Monday, December 11, 2006

Mur(ph)ly's laws

Ok I've had these things in my hat rack(translates to my head) for a while, so wanted to write it down before it 'fades to black'..... :)

This is something I have experienced/felt strongly quite a bit and my mind has done a 'uh! What just happened there?' or a 'This is way too spooky for it to have happened 4187 times'

Disclaimer : Somebody else mite have already written this elsewhere or can come and claim it in the name of narnia....Well I've got two words for them : "Sure"

There mite be additions to these mental musings....

1. Its only/exactly when you are thinking about something naughty/cunning/wrong/disturbing, that something will happen causing you to not just come back to reality, but come back with a jerk or a bang! (Like you bumping into something, or getting pricked by something sharp or the Toyota Qualis in front of you choosing to brake abruptly and u braking hard and breaking ur bike's indicator!!)

I'm also prepared for the contingency where my unfortunate readers dont get a word of what I am saying......

Take comfort in the fact that there's more sublime crap to come maybe....never stop hoping ;)

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