Friday, September 14, 2007

Freakin out

I'd envisaged about 6 different openings for this blog.
Make that 7.

A torrential downpour, a reason for lots of women to go on leave and a rather lonely day at office..
Just another day in paradise...Just cant say TGIF!

If we thought the omens weren't any good in the morning (a full hour and a half to get to work at snail's pace), we were in for a treat in the evening.

The rain didn't let up much or maybe it did...Was caught up @ work and lab meetings with sparse attendance...Almost lost my iPod earphones @ breakfast too...

But the chilly rainy icing on the cake came on my way back to home...A plethora of vehicles on one of the best laid roads in Bangalore! There's nowhere to run when the heavens open up and the populi decide to rebel against the good ol' traffic cops!

After having been denied room by our "assigned" cab in the rain, a moment of quick thinking (or so i thought) or survival instincts took my feet towards another bus which was headed home bound...No sooner had i boarded the bus, than i realized that Outer Ring Road was just not Iwannagobackhomeitsfriday!! conducive.. (Thanks to Girish's traffic update aka 91.3 FM)

Wasn't left with much of a choice was I? I had oodles of time to analyze this and several other viewpoints about several other topics. And I woke up from my reve(ning)erie to walk up, almost in a trance, to the driver and request him to turn off the engine to prevent pollution cos we'd been in the same spot for what seemed like eternity (10-15 minutes).

The usual lack of concern for orderliness, discipline or humanity and yelling and honking and swearing was there. At one point I seriously considered getting off the bus and was doing my walking speed math when we hit Agara lake. And lo behold the craziness and selfishness of it all! A bunch of vehicles trying to take an impossible turn and blocking vehicles going in their opposite direction! And as we passed this scene, I saw more and more vehicles heading towards the traffic jam, powerless to tell them to go elsewhere, to avoid themselves some anguish...

As I finally walked back home, I even remember looking at a small kid in a mother's arms and feeling sorry for it...


sheetal said...

small kid na 'it' anta kari bardu... u use 'he' or 'she'...
togond direct translate hoDdbiDadu kannaDadinda.. yapah!

Anonymous said...

agara lake (unlike thames) nalli tolkond bandavngeee savvaaal... yeno elbekithu antha elidre inge aagodu. [:D]

Murali said...

@ Sheetal

Your ability to look at highly trivial aspects of a bigger topic amazes me...

It is like completely ignoring the Monalisa (and her smaaile) and commenting on the fabric used for her clothing...

@ Girish

Why go to thames or agara when there is rain water a-plenty!

sheetal said...

i just happened to notice that.. urkobeda..


Pragnya said...

Dude it took me 2 and 1/2 hrs to reach Jayadeva flyover from e-city that day. Hosur road was like a lake :) but we didnt take that route, so didnt get to see any lake that day :(