Monday, February 22, 2010

Growing up

What does it mean to've 'grown up'? :
  • To think more from your mind than yielding to your heart
  • Drawing from experience! Experience implies that whatever's happening to u now has happened before, atleast once, and that atleast is indicative of u having infested earth for a while now. And to draw from experience and learn lessons is definite proof of hippocampal advances.
A HUGE lizard crawling across the wall next to my bed does not help when u are writing a post. It hung on the wall and made several clucking noises. I wondered if it was a mating call.

I just kept staring at it, hoping or wishing (AHA!) that it won't slip and fall onto my bed, making a 'weeee' noise as it fell...

  • To indulge more in hope, wishful thinking and patience rather than act out of boiling red bledd.
Currently listening to : Let it Be - The Beatles

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