Saturday, June 02, 2007

Pure Fiction!

Femme Fatale : Hi...u there?

Femme Fatale : This is *censored* from VHS...remember??

(Flashback music........)

Its a routine day in class...The same old stuffy classroom, the same old guys sitting in the same old bench....

One boy wasn't feelin very well though...You see, when you've entered your teens, there's this tingly wingly feeling in the pit of your stomach...And this poor boy had been sadly baited by this angel with a fair complexion, the most beautiful of brown eyes, a mellifluous voice that could stall him completely in his path, and hair as long and luscious as ... as... Sigh! (High restraint exercised not to carry on describing...)

And the reason was that, his cronies were threatening him with a pardaa faash! They were gonna tell the angel of all the feelings that he harbored for her, try to explain to her the tangle of emotions that arose in him many times when he saw her or heard her... And all this in that highly risky time DURING class, when the teacher had his back to the class, scribbling away to glory on the board!!

What was being written and taught meant little to our protagonist...The time had come! To meet glory or to suffer humiliation!! Which was it gonna be...whats she gonna say?!?! The suspense was killing... He bravely cathces her eye as soon as she is told that "he has a crush on her"...........

She mutters a curse under her breath and shakes her head in disgust......

(Notices messenger window blinking and wakes up from his reverie)

Boy : Hi!.... *censored* from F section right??..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i pondered for sometime to understand wat this is all about...

no luck hmmm...