Saturday, April 07, 2007


is power, sez my friend

Today very early in the morning, i learnt what happens to a person suffering from a rather severe case of frontal temporal lobe problems...

It was visually demonstrated, with particular attention to detail, that :

1. The patient must be given only a general anaesthetic..Its very important in such cases for the patient to be attentive

2. The patient's head must be to a side and the patient must be very still.

3. All you have to do to relieve that person of severe headaches, is to cut open his head, remove a square piece of skull using a drill and a powersaw...

4. After this rather simple procedure, you ask the person to lift his/her hand and flex the fingers...


The question you have to ask yourself is this: are you willing to take a bullet for the man who killed your son? Does "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" apply here, Jeff? Make your choice.

My affiliation with weird movies continues with trainspotting....

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