Saturday, November 29, 2008

How GPRS saved the g err day

So my brother's in town and he's an outright all night party animal, so he, his friend n wife n I are slated to arrive at Swagath Garuda, Jaynagar at 9.40 on a Friday night to watch (hold thy breath) Dostana.....

The prospect of watching a possibly inane movie made by an alleged homosexual guy (not too many doubts now after watchin the movie...theete teerskondbitta baddimaga...) was not too inviting...Matters became worse when we got to the theatre only to find out that our tickets have been given to somebody else...

It having been an eventful day, my bro didn't have the 'booking no.' on self at 9.40 pm. Out whipped my phone was by the me and i logged into gmail...Good ol' gmail application and my slightly sluggish ( :D ) phone took its time, but finally yielded the result! After some 'here sir' and 'sorry for the inconvenience sir' et al, we were sitting down...And boy was the timing right!

Priyanka Chopra's introduction in the movie has not been handled by Karan Johar I think...I can't call it tastefully done, but they focused on all the 'pertinent' aspects of her...The 3 protagonists put on their best american english (yet indelibly desi) accents and waltz through the film in immaculate clothing and posh locations, with emotions and loads of gay innuendos...

The bottom line of the movie. Spoiler coming up. Two men who aren't gay in the first place, but pretend to be a gay couple, eventually END up committing a rather gay act in front of a score of ppl for a girl !!!

The first half of the movie is cleverly humorous, although blatant and in ur face and 'yaaawn' in some of its jokes...The second half merits the choking of the Karan Johar.

The END.

1 comment:

Goley said...

i swear dude.. saaad movie.. Watch dasvidaniyan.. its 100 times better..