Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Endings and Beginnings

I will need this as a record sometime, so here it is :

I quit HP 3 days ago, after what seemed like a rather long sojourn of 3 yrs, 4 months and 6 days.

The day was the 12th of November. It was an extremely coupla days including and leading upto it, cos I was in denial. I experienced the psychological symptom of denial in its full force during this period.

I didn't, couldn't think of the fact that I would be leaving this company...The company where I didn't work, but played...With colleagues, with 5 of my college friends at different times of my stay...It was a transition every fresher dreams of, straight from the playground called college to another corporate playhouse where u get paid for having fun!

There's a dark side to all this frolic...Sometimes things got too personal, and the pressure drove me close to madness...And I'd be lying if I said that I don't take any of that away from HP; But it'd be harsh to say that I made a jittery start to my weighs such things and one sees that one's 'good thingsu' pan is much much heavier :)

We return to the present, and we're in the last day...A rather dazed Murali is going through the tasks of a typical 'last day'. Several people ask him whether he's feeling ok, alright etc. What they don't realize is the denial is melting into realization and fear and sadness...Realization of what he'd done, Fear of what's ahead and sadness of ...Lets leave that to him shall we?

As I separate myself from him and look at how he's handling all the people coming to his cube to wish him a bright future and telling him in certain tones that he'll do well, i can now clearly see what i felt then...I wasn't talking to them then...A zombie was..."Hi...Yeah I am...Yeah, its today...Ah hah ha...Thanks, thanks a lot!!...Yeah I will, I have ur number/mail id" etc etc

And that all came tumbling out...It'll suffice to say that the moon was beautiful that evening...Somehow managed to notice it...


The contrast of the people, their attitude towards me in their presence today, was huuuuuuuge...

Oh I'm comparing my first day @ Sun, with my last day @ HP btw! Welcome to DivyaShree chambers, a relic in its own right, but with magnificient "corporate" interiors...Pretty receptionists to impatient HR ladies to lazy and careless software engineers...You've got em all sire!

Murali in HP on 10th Nov 2008 : Adored and respected (to a certain level) for his contributions and his personality.

Murali in Sun on 12th Nov 2008 : Uh, which one is he again!?

Those of you going "duh what else didja expect?!" (thats u sheetal) are absolutely right...I'm not contesting the existance of a difference...I'm just drawing ur attention to the magnitude.. :Dumbledorish bow


And oh, Solaris is slow!! The keyboard is ohmygosh weird, and the people are alternatingly aloof and caring! I'll get used to it I guess, like everything else...

Well, getting used to it doesn't mean forgetting you and the past ok na?


Kiran said...

good one!...all the best maga!

Karan said...

huh? Which one is this guy again? How did i get re-directed to this page? The damn spam :annoyed

Goley said...

I HAVE to read your blog more often.. Been a while since I read it..
I'm sure you must have felt this when u moved from school to college.. I did.. :D I have written a blog about that too..

Anyway, enough about me :P All the best to you :D