Thursday, January 18, 2007


Man is a social animal

Define social.

1. Relating to human society and its members
2. Living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups
3. Relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society
4. Composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability
5. Tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind
6. Marked by friendly companionship with others

This is all my dictionary threw up! In my current mood, I would not mind a 100 'alt-tab, select text, Ctrl-C, alt-tab, Ctrl-V sequences'

How fucking ironic that 'Its a bittersweet symphony that's life....' is running in the background now...Or is it? I am not surprised...My entire sub conscious and part of my conscious self I think sought this song out...

The 3rd definition of social highlighted for the users' convenience, is what struck me the most! Cos i'd imagined social to mean either no. 6 or no. 1

I am feeling the full force of meaning no. 3 and it has caused me to go numb kinda...To make me question my beliefs, to lose my sense of right and wrong and in a nut shell to be in a position quite ably demonstrated by my most fav character on TV, Chanandlar Bong :

"ok rock.........Hard place.........

Oh you fucker! How do u make me laugh hard enough for my stomach to ache and create watery drops at the corner of the eye at the same time!?!? (something mite be wrong with the sentence, but I don't care, what?)

Does being social mean losing ur values and integrity and 'aligning' urself to the 'norms' imposed by others?! How did they become norms?! Did somebody do what they liked and that became the norm? Who makes these norms? Does being social mean losing a sense of independence and a sense of what is ok and right to you? Whose life are we leading?

Oh this sounds so cliched, the previous paragraph...But I CANT FUCKING HELP IT !

'I look at the world and I notice its turning, while my guitar gently weeps'..... Said the beatles...
Aren't we all turning helplessly with the world Sir Paul?!?

More .... More loud music.....