Friday, January 05, 2007

da day

Bel beligge super nidde

As I try really really hard to open my eyes, and simultaneously check my smses (talent :D ), I see an innocuous looking sms from my aha oho geleya as follows : 'Ignorance is NOT bliss.'

I read it exactly 4.5 times (5th time half i read and let it go...did/could not find any context semblance and/or meaning)

Go to work
Harried sounding TL calls up and asks to talk to Korean man whose name contains a lot of 'y's 'o's 'n's and 'g's...Lemme try and get it right... Its Seong Young Yoong...Or Yoon...Or whatevah

Mildly aware of headache at this point....10:45 am

then the rest of the day kind of fell into this algorithm...It was like somebody (don't think it was God) had hatched a plot, had a nice easy chair ready and a drink with a yoohoo straw in hand and went "aah! lets watch this and enjoy"...

while [[ true ]]

Key highlights of this infinite loop :

1. A machine is supposed to hang on to its disk...And telnet connections u have open to that machine, are NOT allowed to just freeze up....And when machine was physically examined, turns out it had just 'disowned' one of its dicks....disks...hic !

two hours lost in a seriously escalatable call...

2. When u are making coffee, and the machine that dispenses milk has a tricky tap, always ALWAYS keep mug close to the tap...Milk fizzing off at an angle will ONLY land on ur shirt making u look like a doofus whilst a pretty girl there stands giggling away to glory at ur feat/fate...

3. Forgot keys to my draw @ work...Inside which resides the ear phones to my precious! ze ipod...Had to endure me on my way back home....

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