Wednesday, May 05, 2010

To kill or not to kill

Ajmal Kasav

Or is the bastard's name Kasab?

Yeah I'm angry...Cos :

1. Human rights activists are talking about the "morality" of taking his life.
2. Even if he's sentenced to death, he may not be killed soon. And I'm ok about "soon" being ~1 year or so. Our great Afzal Guru still sits in prison because our Hon. President of India hasn't had the time, in the past 5 years, to deny him his clemency plea. It hasn't been looked at. No time. And here, I paraphrase our Hon. Home Minister, when he was asked as to why Afzal Guru, who was sentenced to die on 20th October 2006, still gets to breathe air.
3. Even if Kasab gets sentenced to death, one other reason why he might continue to live is because of lack of hangmen...Apparently it is a complicated procedure, one of taking a human's life in a way which is free of torture, pain and barbarism.

What are the arguments for the death penalty? And more specifically, for Kasab? After a certain point, I think they cease to be separate arguments. I'm no legal dude, so most of what I write here is what I've heard on tv. Anyways, here they are :

1. The crimes he's committed satisfies the clause of Indian law which talks about death penalty to be awarded only in the rarest of rare cases.
2. Keeping somebody like Kasab alive provides more room for a hostage negotiation manoeuvre like Kandahar
3. He's always a security risk in many senses, and will drain state resources to protect him/keep him from escaping/causing more damage.

and most importantly,

4. The blood boils at the thought of the retaliation to such a heinous crime being just rigorous life imprisonment. The punishment is just not enough, even for a "brainwashed, misled 20 year old", who chose to hold an AK 47 in his hand instead of a book and chose to kill so many innocent people against their volition.

The arguments against the death penalty? Sounds weaker than the arguments for them, listed above:

1. The death penalty is immoral. We don't have the right to take another's life like that blah blah bull fucking shit. So the asshole Kasab does eh?
2. (Ah I knew u'd say that) The government should be calm and not be vengeful, and hence shouldn't act like Kasab did, aka taking human's lives.

I have just one line for all you absolute idiots who believe in this : "They drew first blood, not us".

3. There is room for reform, even for the most cruel of terrorists like Kasab. Poor Kasab, born in dereliction, deprived of education and culture and basic amenities, handed a gun at an early age, brain washed. He couldn't help much of who he was forced to become.


Hey hey offer! Make ur life miserable, and then kill some people and get a new life free!

This world's tough comrade...Fate plays an important role even in the life of a non-terrorist, civilized person anyways...Every person has the right to make a conscious choice, especially after you become an adult. You reap who you shoot.

Personally, I think (Ye hai India meri jaan...Opinions a-plenty!) he should be killed by slowly cutting his balls off. Slice by slice. Since that requires some nasty perversion which would probably destabilize India's pristine brilliant image, I'll settle for the polished "hanging till death" (apparently they even use butter on the rope around the neck, so that there's no pain in the few seconds between pulling the lever and the sweet release...)

What do you think?


Unknown said...

gusssa accha hai.

Goley said...

Like it.. Agree with you 100 %

Unknown said...

btw, someone is stalking ur blog with east-asian abuses.

would you kill him for invading ur private space? :P

Murali said...

I don't think they're abuses...the bunch of dots in the comment is a hyper link to some porn site!!!

Its either spam or the east-asian is really impressed with my blogging skills...