Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday gyaan

Here're two snippets in my life that came closest to disturbing the dhool on my mind, on what was a rather lazy sunday.

Oh apart from the first half of the day during which I made shankarpolis!! :D

1. Quotable quotes :

"Everybody wants to share a pani puri kano...that's there...When you go out to eat 6 puris, you'll feel it (the loneliness). Every menu in this world is designed like that; it is for TWO people...if you go there alone, you'll just waste food"

Although to a layman this might sound like ramblings of the nth order, sir I continue to be amazed by the seemingly sublime and lucid droppings of logic that you ejaculate from time to time! I would certainly like to have a look at the wirings inside your brain...

2. Human Resilience

If you're not interested in listening to a story about humans overcoming hurdles and winning in life, read on...Cos I'm not telling one such story, atleast not extolling that aspect of this story...

To get into context, lemme run thru the mundane details quickly.

Son gets job in Hyderabad; Parents go to Hyderabad to help him settle down; On their way back meet with an accident; Mom is hit hard, gets a steel plate in left shoulder; Dad not seriously injured, but gets paralysis after coming back to Bangalore; Just sitting for 20 mins in one place gives excruciating pain to mother;

You're probably going "ah another sad story...I know it must be bad, but I've heard quite a few such stories mate"... As I said, my aim of this discussion is not to point out their misery and get sympathy...

But to pose the following questions :

1. If something like that happened to you, what would you do?
2. What is it in them that makes such people continue living life, sometimes with further renewed vigor and purpose? Is it our enhanced intellectual abilities which gives us higher powers to adapt and persevere? Or is it faith (in oneself?? or God??) that keeps us going?...

A salute to human will power, its manifestations and the enormous amounts in which it is exhibited...