Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fade to Black

The opening of this song is orgasmic...tantalizingly orgasmic (which might just be an oxymoron there!)

It starts slowly, with what I can only imagine to be either a single violin or a singly guitar without distortion, playing just one note...Rising in volume ever so gently...And then guitar 1 hits you! And while you're digesting the melancholy in those notes, the electric guitar oh so majestic! Like a whip cracking through air, it catches you short of breath, sharp and arrogant! And like a seemingly out of control ride in an amusement park (yet designed to perfection in reality), it ascends and descends the musical track until it culminates in the final, blissful sequence leaving you with an 'ah!' on ur lips...

What follows is rather subjective...Until the masterful Kirk Hammett (lead guitarist of Metallica btw) takes over again...

Well some people, including my brother, might describe it in a rather woeful manner...Whenever I make the gross error of playing some sort of metal/rock/uknowhati'mtalkinabout kind of music when he's around, he usually brings a mock scared look to his face and asks me "lo is somebody breaking something?", an intelligent quip aimed to highlight the noise being caused by the drummer, or "does somebody want to take some revenge?" or "Why is somebody so angry to break the guitar and rip off the strings?"

speed kills is what i'd heard...For speed to kill music...well...
I guess Beauty lies in the...........

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