I made hurlikayi palya and bele saaru the other day.... I ended up burning the hurlikayi palya and putting around three times the necessary amount of hunse hannu rasa into it. The reasons (facts) for the mishaps are as follows : (No blame is intended, on me)
1) I used a very high flame wherever low was needed...
2) I was misguided on the cell phone when me frantically asked the remedy for excess saltity in saaru... I was asked to add all sorts of things available in the kitchen, including hunse hannu rasa (which i had already added once), tomato, water and a potato piece !!! :O Being a novice cook, u can see how easily i was deluded and added some of the above, maybe in wrong proportions :D
A last minute genius like inspiration, however, and some extremely quick thinking in the battlefield (there was smoke everywhere after the hurlikayi palya incident !!!! I coughed my ass (lungs) off !!), enabled me to satisfactorily complete both missions !! The hurlikayi palya was transferred off the battlefield (another vessel) to prevent excess burning and a huge chunk of bella turned a saaru which tasted like whiskey into a saaru with a mild overdose of hunse hannu
My family members and a close friend are still alive after savoring my delicacies prepared by koli manja, aka me.... Thank god, I did not experiment with HCL this time.....
:D :P
Hee hee hee extremely exciting narrative!
leyyyy...amma elliddro!
lol when did u taste whiskey??
or is it like saying 'oh no this tastes like crap!' ;(
Hey I think u made "Huli KAi Palya"
and "bella saru" instead of hurli kai palya and bele saaru. It rhymes too!!! BTW, i was just figuring out, y hunse hannu for the palya in first place. It should be for the bela saru..oops bele saaru right???
@ashwin : Not that anybody noticed it, but i stand corrected maga... thanks for the pointing out.... the saaru got excess hunse hannu, and eventually turned into something close to whiskey...
@madhu : Have i tasted whiskey ?....Keep u wondering wont i?? ;)
And I thought I cook bad! I have made beetroot palya with some amount of success here :D:D
- Srini
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