Friday, March 10, 2006


Ivatthu naanu edde..... it was one of those awakenings which i used to have during 2nd PU afternoons.... I used to take a nap, with full of chemistry words buzzing in my head, and used to wake up with some equation on my lips.... :O

To define the word chaos, i need look no further than myself.... I had that happening in my head from around 7:00 am to 8:13 am at which point i could no longer take it ! different dreams and different people trying to tell me their story at the same time ! I was caught and listened to everybody !! It aint a pleasant feeling to wake up tired.....

I am going to be using the bat mobile for the last time today.... the caped crusader shall no longer rule gotham city .... An old and quite battered 6610 will join me and my endeavor called life from approximately 10.30 pm onwards

I also wanted to write a blog about women but my tongue is bitter right now and I became so numb .... onthara, I am in that phase where nothing seems to excite me and everything seems cliched or already happened and hence not exciting....... (I am again resorting to just writing what comes to my mind and not using the right words which is synonymous to the point i made).....

Oh also, my friend told me panickily one day taht some of our blogs were not accessible.... that is around the time i found out that tehre is something in blogger called "report objectionable content"

To those who want to do such a thing like close down my blog or report objectionale content here's my message :


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