Thursday, March 30, 2006

high restraint

.................... exercised to refrain from taking "your" name

Hi "you"

Yesterday night you told me that u hate it when people said the phrase "yesterday night". You saw the phrase "yesteday night", in my latest post , the one before this,yesterday night , and even corrected me with an alternative, which i decided to start using from yesterday night only ya !!!!

The correction was "last night"......

MakkaLe ? Yellru paTha kalthkonDra? u are supposed to say "last night" ok?....... Today's homework... use that phrase today,whenever u talk about something that happened yesterday night
, oops last night i mean !!!! :D

Okay okay i will stop....... I hope "you" will take this pun well, in the right spirit..... I just couldnt resist this post !! I hope you know me enough to take this the right way :D :P.......

Thanks for the infi anyway, "you"..... :D :P


Krishna said...
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Murali said...

I thought the title of the post was clear enough for people to understand that i was not going to take the name of the person in question

Apparently i was mistaken...