Sunday, May 20, 2012

Picture of you

The brain's a funny little object..Memories, are more often than not, snapshots of the objects/persons/places of which the memories are comprised of..

What's funny about this is, sometimes the brain tends to hang on to older snapshots of people. And we emote based on that. Be it a longing parent, reminiscing about the tot they held in their hand and felt immeasurable joy with, be it a spouse struggling in a dead marriage thinking about the romantic times shared with the other one and being dumbfounded at the separation between them, be it a friend anticipating/expecting things to work a certain way from his "childhood" crony; we all make that mistake once in a while...

Is this deliberate? Is this the brain trying to run away by not "updating" the images to a current, different, worse reality? Sometimes it is...It can get a bit perplexing with somebody totally hating and loving, essentially the same person (naturally, the person in question has changed/evolved, but still the same "meat suit"), but different snapshots of that person, in different points of time..If only you could still see the older version in the current one...

And in some cases, there are no updates available. We've reached EOSL. Hehehe. A nice and apt work term. End of Service Life. No more images to update. No changes available. Work with what you're left with. And this need not only be in the case of death. Total separation could cause this. And then the images started to blur. To corrode. Every recollection, further blurring what's available. Until what's left is a confusing, muddled impression of a hazy instance of a living person who'd once left imprints in your brain.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

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