With a propensity to focus and eagerly store (and randomly recall) some uniquely (unique to me) weird/insignificant/trivial fact wrt to some person, my brain outdoes itself frequently.
Cos when the people leave (go far away from me/stop interacting with me) they leave their marks behind. On my brain. And the recall is the worst part.
So vivid is the returned mpeg/jpeg from my brain about some incident/remark/mannerism of the absent person, that I'm left reminiscing and am in a reverie for a while, sometimes longing to meet them again.
But the ppl, they go. Should I be content with their memories? At the end of the day, are we all inherently rather alone, inside our minds?
I strongly believe that we are all inherently alone & that is the way it is meant to be. Because, I mean, which other way can it be?
One other way would be to live in harmony and peace, and also live alone when necessary (yes it's necessary, atleast to a certain extent).
And that's the way it's meant to be? Who the fuck wrote that on the wall?? Heh
You're born alone, you die alone, but in between you borrow notes, watch movies with, go bowling with, cry on other's shoulders, kiss, criticize, dive tandem, ogle etc etc
idakkella bere avru beka? banbidu maa!
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