A tv show designed to elevate the mind...A perfect setting for him to showcase his talents such as how to nod head attentively, how to ask questions nonchalantly with a good blend of colloquial and textual language skills, how to hog the camera by grinning like a doofus ( :D like so )
But alas...
There came no remuneration...Nor was there adulation...The lost chance caused desolation...All thats left is contemplation (one more :D )
For your reference, the two standing gentlemen in the picture depict the mahagurus of wisdom that they bestoweth upon the bored albeit interest feigning 'engineering/management' aspirants... (How we were labeled "Aspirants" still beats me, considering we were all already into engineering courses...)
As a parting note, this post MUST carry a mention of one comrade who also braved the storm for 30 minutes with some aplomb! The second image below carries an esoteric but nonetheless famous quote from the same "techno" man...Good days mate! God bless :)
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