But ! I also went out and got some fresh air and well.....This!

you can see HVGs legs n all
(/Tee hee)
[ If i used actual html tags, sakkkkkkkkataag byskota idde from ze blogger dude!! ]
Now this mite seem to be a true to its nature, expensive innocuous little cup of coffee to you right?
Yup I agree too...The imperative word in the previous sentence to me though, would be "little"!!
So its a typical lazee afternoon and the Girs and the I head to coffee day to imbibe their pathetic and overpriced caffeine based offerings...This way we blow some sodexho and nobody's the loser...
I'm bored with the usual cappucinos, the moccachillos, the laahtthehs, the espressos, the cappachillos (no no don't order!! I'm not reading out the coffee day menu, neither am i waiting for an order!! :D )
So I browse thru the menU and look at a relatively new name "Macchiato" ! "Ooooooooh" I went..."Whats thees?" A drink has been untasted so faaaaah?! So all hyped up I proceed to order the unknown one...While Gish brushes aside the menu and says nonchalantly "one Irish cofee"...
Here's the real deal...

Howard's Giant Gonzalez vs My Midget !!
Here's an explanation for this blog, which I hope will give ze clarity to my confounded readers...Well at least some of 'em ;)
I am like a weird black hole for such kinda stuff...I go to places and order stuff with exuberance completely filling my cherubic face and me waiting eagerly full of expectation!!!...........Only for the bubble to burst and my co-compatriots laughing and rolling on the floor at the outcome...And me left with the result of my own doing... This whole thing started with an incident where I ordered cookies in Cafe Cofe day, expecting a plate full of cookies of different kinds with chips maybe and loads of chocolate! All that arrived were two small tiny little smidgeons of baked batter and i was charged 20 bucks!
Ally Bally to Eagle One
Ally Bally to Eagle One
All loose ends tied ... I repeat ALL LOOSE ENDS TIED! Returning to Eagle's Nest
Over and out!! (of 27 Rs for the Macchiato)
For all the hype, that Macchiato was only Rs 27 ?? Coffee day loots you more for sillier things, like u mentioned : the cookies !!
Did u mean confounded in the old fashioned informal way??
er...here's what i meant: (source dictionary.cambridge.org)
adjective [before noun] OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL
used to express annoyance:
Ex: What a confounded nuisance!
Both of u have very ably demonstrated the ability to totally ignore the nub of the issue and highlight other issues!
Confounded : Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment
This is waat i gaat...
I agree with u though, oh goleyh...
Yo Girz! Irish coffee is THE real deal :D
Also, one great knowledge I got from this post is that some coffee day outlet accepts sodexho coupons! Could you please tell me which is this holy outlet??
@srini: its the holy abode!!.. the nearest coffe day to ally's house... and yes .. Irish Coffee Rocks.. BTW, i ask for cream less irish coffe.. try it with little sugar.. olle kickings.. :)
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