Fig 1. Hen and cock
The place where I used to have bucket loads of fun as a kid! The place where I played with big boys when I was a kid, a heaven only magnified by the fact that summer holidays were spent there....Now I've heard many ppl saying its a dull dud place where nothing happens, time stretches to eternity and blah blah
I'm running away with my description here...one thing at a time pls....
Left at around 8....Got to Shivalli restaurant unscathed....Then started the peril....I started insisting vehemently that I would drive the remaining distance to Mysore...Dad thought, eh? havent been adventurous for a long time....So gave me the keys..
Was one of the funnest parts of the whole trip.......Cheching at 90 sometimes, I made the road mine! Constantly admiring the concept of banking, I rode the streets as though I was infected with wanderlust! Caressing the steering wheel and stroking the gear shaft.......(err....um....where am I going with this? )
Alas @ Srirangapatna my brother woke up to the fact that he was missing out on some quality fun....So he commanded me to slow down, step out of the car, keep my hands on my head....No no just to hand the wheel over to him.......
Reach mysore and I had a well planned itinerary for us in mind.....A cunning relative of mine tried to mould that into his favor....Nothing doing me said (thats me standing up for what I wanted....)
and proceded to watch the Man Utd vs Liverpool even though the other guys went to KRS and saw water dance to dhoom machaale dhoom machaale dhoom! Even though it seems frivolous that I would prefer a football match over an outing with my relatives in THEIR house, but thats what I wanted to do and would be most happy doing.....
Oh ya, saw last formyula one rayce of schumi....Masth man he is i thinks....
Monday saw both sons of the Rao household waking up rather late and looking sluggish (as was intended :D ) Within no time, it was afternoon which had been reserved to see "Don" by my brother....But we left a lil bit early and visited karanji lake ! (sound familiar?? "Koorakkukkaralli kere....telakk karanji kere......." :D :D ) Man what a nice place?! Pedal boating and future discussings with brother for alf hour to 40 mins and then a visit to the local aviary....Man the camera in my phone has never seen so much action! Snapped and snapped at everything from spoonbills to peacocks (Refer to fig 1) to rabbits running around.....Tranquil, serence and beautiful!
Then Don @ 35 bucks per head! (Can yu beleev that??? 35 bucks for a top notch hindi movie!) Not too bad a theatre either.....No multiplex but not gandhi class seating either.....Well, post movie, I was filled with a lot of questions, awed by udit narayan's rendition of khaike paan and driving around mysore to get back to our residing place while avoiding crackers on the road and resultant heart attacks!!
Tuesday saw me visiting a relative's place and playing cricket with a 3rd standard goin kid! Man he was small......He taught me how to do "swing bowling".....Hadnt played cricket for ages! And he stumped me with some astronomy related questions too! :O Where did all the info I gathered about stars, eclipses and other shit go??? Major leakageonomy!!! Thats when it most hit me that I so want to be a kid but have grown up and its inevitability staring at me!! Che
Mysore...The simple place....Where u can cover 10 kms in 15 minutes.....Where people talk to u with a smile while giving directions.....Where there is beauty.....A nice place and always close to my heart it will be!
Soopar - the baays should plan a drive to Mysore sometime - what say? :-)
And I can go at 120 KPH avg :D
Mysooru... heaven on earth.
cudnt have agreed wit u more.
Ha.. guess wht ally, even I have the peacock snap of karanji kere on my cell!
masthu place adu!
mysore - a dud dull place?
yaavono heliddu!!!???
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