....that a memory could cause u equal amounts of happiness and sadness?
The naming of this webpage as a pensieve is finally justified. You see, Professor Dumbledore (hogwarts ( harry's (of harry potter fame) school ) headmaster) used it to store away memories when he felt that he had too much in his mind to think about....It was also a store for important memories which needed storage and could be recalled at will, at ease...
".....the lawn......a huge screen.........dosts around........stalls......events......not too many ppl in the western music stall.......DC going on.......some song played, which i heard for the first time in the western music thingy....."
(hazy till now i agree....the mind is a hard thing to harness.....some clarity follows)
".....sitting with legs stretched out supported by my palms behind me....one homo sapien beside me......one in front......a popular song starts on stage.....cultural night.....the last such thing i can legally attend...
Its popular and one of my favs.....I cant help it......I start humming it...before i know it I am into a full blown rendition of the melody......the speakers are good, they cancel out my singing, but not completely cos the homo sapien(s) around me can hear me alrite.....the one in front, in some context says, 'I was listening to U sing' ........"
ashte thats the memory
This memory cannot be forced out of my head.....presently It might be required of/from me to remove other things and tolerate others, but this one wont go......just in case it is made to, I have a backup here
The brain appears to possess a special area which we might call "poetic memory" and which records everything that charms or touches us, that makes our life beautiful.
--Milan Kundera, from "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"
happiness define maadakke sadness and other factors bekagathe...
it is not absolute.
None of the feelings are.
I forgot to add the word "simultaneously" there ...
So i meant
Could it be....
....that a memory could cause u equal amounts of happiness and sadness, simultaneously?
enidu Ramaanya? harry potty and what not :D
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