Yeah Yeah I aged a lil bit more.......
is not the attitude which is gonna be present in this post foaks !
Cos it was the perfect birthday that an idealistic realist like me can ask for !!!! (Ah stumped a? or are u saying sheeesh now? Hang on pliss)
Alsoz I will be using the letter 'z'z instead of the comma in this post... so if u find an unauthorized/unwarranted z somewhere remember this line.... I have also added deviant cunning zs in the post plainly for tp sake...
Wake up .... Get down to ground floor (hgdsgblfbf seems such a long way away) and mom is not feeling well.... typical birthday attention diverting crisis momentz requiring services and quick action of considerate son who has been left alone and needs to shoulder the burden of the family (sonwise) entirely !z that murali was looking for.... Murali now haz to get thindi n allz medicine n all n all.... Murali vowz to finish all tasks impending (He also haz decidedz on a personal notez to install the krishna vigraha that krishna gave (did i miss a caps there somewhere?) onto the devrmane platform.... since he has entered devrmanez he intendz to do sandhyavandane also... The whole mysterious sandhyavandane link (krishna gave krishna to murali krishna (hai kalla nice nickname for self!) with munji invitation) seems too tempting to ignore for our hero in crunch time situation)
So some idlis from YESS YELL WEE and we are set to snana
Madhu phone madidda
Sakkath kachchda (not as much as amma kachchd him)
Then Petro.... Thanks maga... No expect u first caller..... Mast conversation
Yeah all set to snanaz then swetha calls..... hero thinks bere time ilva idakkez but humors her anyways with talk abt its own work n stuff. Swetha is bejaaaaaaan urkolings abt fact that me intends to yen joy today with some friends for lunch. Little did she know then that the fun would gain compund interest sikkapatte .... Kidding swethaz super that u called first among my college homies !
Then me is snaning and Karan calls ! De Va Re ..... With two soapy hands and revered prayers to loudspeaker feature in 6610, I press ONE battan and yell at karan "karannnnnnnnnnn snana madtha ideeni" ... mugdha jinke mari taraz "oh amele maadtheeni anta itbitta papachi" ... You were second maite !
Then snana and installation procedure complete (Refer to User Guide Chapter 6.1.3) . Urgent idli gulpings with highly questionable chatknee and kitthogiro sambaar ! Then run for medicine for ailing mom, but store closed.... curse ayurvedic shop severely (oops mom picked up the phone !! Stop stop) "amma angdi tegdilla ... aamele tanko aushdi sorry! bye 60 secs aagoythu !) ratatatatatatatat !!! Angdi baglu being opened ! What bartha day luck maga self exclamation buy medicine and rush home deliver it!
Go to office and stop (literally) after lookin at my cube ... Full decorations ! Banner ondu baaki !! Padma sitting therez smug n beatablez says Wish you a very Happy Birthday ! with that formal(cos team members around! shittu uppittu ) yet endearing way of her own... Girish also helped ante (internal colon o)
Modified Text : It was Girish's idea to decorate my cube..... Padma just pitched in..... I am very for the idealogy of credit being given to the proper person ! So there u go maga....... This is in just recognition of the gift that u gave me on my birthday ! :-)
other team mates blabber something but me lost in decorations and..... (ahem !!) .... Krishna's missed call brings me back to rea lee tee.... "Padmaz kris wants us to meet him downstairs".... Offffff we go and he gives me sudha murthy book gift (known after barabaric tearing of wrapping cover... best way to do it!) and tells me abt Illinois Insitute of Technology, MS, Ulsoor, Go Now, Meeting, COurse Details, Half hour spend.... Next thing i knowz I am fighting cunningham road traffic and asking directions !!
I wake up in Ulsoor office where elaborate presentation abtMS is going on... (Ashwin called here sometime... and a karan's failed call again!!! papachi) I bully presenter (excited bald ex army man who will be poked in the hiny next time he is met with me) into cutting presentation short cos iddlis have evaporated.... Meet karan at my officez with others unreachable/not present for my lunch plan.... Go to ramana's where i have hearty laugh over self condemn jokes (I do THAT really well... stop wincing padma!) with friends over satisfying (Togoli Togoli nanna duddu chennagi togoli pliss) lunch..... Make kris and karan gulo gulab jamun/ jamoon and get to seat look at watch 3:30 pm !!!!
No kelsa done yet.... Hardly yeny mood to do yenymore.... After some mail chuckingz chattingz birthday wishes mechanically replying Cake arrives ! Cutting smearing ella aaythappa Devre ! Photo hakideeni... nodkoli ! Santosha na? Seri
Then really no mood to work.... paattu kelangal (lijaning to songs in murali tamil).... then call paddy to rebuke her for absencez but end up melting and showing concern for her sudden mild illness.... Karan jumping up and down abt new phone... I oblige go back home and "help" him buy phone heh........ Showed him the newly found chill "spot" in my house (manege banni thorstheeni)
Griz messages happy birthday at 9:54 pm ..... serrrrrrrrrrrrri ankonde
What do u expect eh????? Its my birthday and I was waiting for a football match to start hence had time to kill ! 12:05 am ending time I am done
Credits (In order of appearance/calling)
Madhu (for the uninitiatedz bro)
Petro Boy (RaghuRam)
Karan again
Somewhere in there was also the spotlight crazy samanvitha :-)
Thank you one and all..... Fantastic Day i had one way or another ! (Krishnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!) .... Some really cool gifts as well..... Hole some day !! Cheers maite !
Belated Happy Birthday Dude... Looks like u had a great time
Many thanks man! Yeah i did have a splendid time ! :)
Onthara description chanagitthu!!! The best thing was Illinois insto'f tech,MS, ULSOOR somewhere in d blog!! Adu eshtu funny andre...
Looks like u have a gr8 b'day. More gifts coming ur way..
More gifts a??!?!?!? :O
Panting like a crazy eager dog !!!! :D
You r welcome maga. Baikobeda. For u know what.
besht part andhre photo ney kano! bombat fun it all looks like. have a super life ahead, for how lofty that sounds!
super....sounds like a gooooood day.
Have a great year ahead murli!!
really belated happy B'day maga :-)...Have fun.
1. it was my idea and my design of your cube's mess.
2. she helped me.
injustice done to me.
wud be good if the documentation is updated..
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