Hafya evah been in so much darkness that u cudnt see ur own hands held in front of your face?
A night time experiment, with the assistance of my phone crooning away 'nothing else matters'...
I have nothing more to report abt it...Was not scared of all the darkness...Was at peace...Probably cos I was irritatingly wide awake at 12:15 am and the song was just damn bloody soothing!
Oooooh babel! A movie quite similar to 'crash', an oscar winner if i'm not mistaken...
Imagine some of ur worst nightmares, some of the worst positions u can be in...scared, terrified and helpless...There u have babel! Very rarely do such movies come out and thats probably for the good! Brad Pitt is again quite marvellous...But definitely the story which deserves special mention is that of Rinko Kikuchi, who quite expertly plays the role of a deaf-mute, a subject which has for ever dominated over me, almost...I dono how to react to ppl who are deaf and/or mute, I dono what my feelings are for them...I am at a total loss! Similar were my feelings as I watched her quite masterfully depict the thoughts of a young woman, who is deaf and mute...I wont say more...
Some of the dialogues/scenes are quite harsh and in your face...A must watch for ppl who like movies with some 'stuff' !
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Dear Diary,
I was recently the victim (no no too harsh a word obviously...), the target rather, of a rather well thought out practical joke...
Dust that coats my hat, is from a dozen towns
Dust from shooting down another dozen clowns (should get this line outta my head...)
The purpose of this blog is for me to have a record of it and for others to enjoy my endurance :)
At approximately 3 pm in the afternoon i receive a call on my phone sayin there is an emergency situation at one of the places where our product has been installed...You see I was acting as 'off hours' support @ work during the holiday period, which extended from 25th Dec to Jan 1st..
Now you mite say, hey! 3 pm definitely isnt 'off hours' is it?! Yep! Introducing u to the bozo, the MTV bakra who fell for the prank hook line and sinker! I was kinda anticipating a call in the holiday period and jumped at the first opportunity...
The details of the call are unimportant here...Mainly because they further expose my stupidity and gullibility, of not having caught on to the fact that the caller was fed some cleverly procured information specifically designed to deceive the callee aka me...
Anyways I bought the fact that there is an emergency and started working on it!! As Griz says, the laptop was out in three seconds!! (commitment to work to be noted here) and before I could think of anything else, I had called somebody else from work to alert them of the emergency and I could feel my body heating up and my pulse quickening...
And then I receive the phone call from the perpetrator, revealing all....The 'mastermind' so to speak...And in the heat of the moment, it still took me a while to realise that it was a prank...Yep thats how caught up I was.......
what a FANTASTIC prank alla??? Especially when its holiday season and u are quite bugged and bored and want to have some FUN!!
Well, was fun atleast, ATLEAST for the people who thought this out and contributed to this brilliant scheme...Am truly honored to have been a part of this and personally thank everyone involved...
Q(uite) E(asily) D(one)
I was recently the victim (no no too harsh a word obviously...), the target rather, of a rather well thought out practical joke...
Dust that coats my hat, is from a dozen towns
Dust from shooting down another dozen clowns (should get this line outta my head...)
The purpose of this blog is for me to have a record of it and for others to enjoy my endurance :)
At approximately 3 pm in the afternoon i receive a call on my phone sayin there is an emergency situation at one of the places where our product has been installed...You see I was acting as 'off hours' support @ work during the holiday period, which extended from 25th Dec to Jan 1st..
Now you mite say, hey! 3 pm definitely isnt 'off hours' is it?! Yep! Introducing u to the bozo, the MTV bakra who fell for the prank hook line and sinker! I was kinda anticipating a call in the holiday period and jumped at the first opportunity...
The details of the call are unimportant here...Mainly because they further expose my stupidity and gullibility, of not having caught on to the fact that the caller was fed some cleverly procured information specifically designed to deceive the callee aka me...
Anyways I bought the fact that there is an emergency and started working on it!! As Griz says, the laptop was out in three seconds!! (commitment to work to be noted here) and before I could think of anything else, I had called somebody else from work to alert them of the emergency and I could feel my body heating up and my pulse quickening...
And then I receive the phone call from the perpetrator, revealing all....The 'mastermind' so to speak...And in the heat of the moment, it still took me a while to realise that it was a prank...Yep thats how caught up I was.......
what a FANTASTIC prank alla??? Especially when its holiday season and u are quite bugged and bored and want to have some FUN!!
Well, was fun atleast, ATLEAST for the people who thought this out and contributed to this brilliant scheme...Am truly honored to have been a part of this and personally thank everyone involved...
Q(uite) E(asily) D(one)
Friday, December 22, 2006
Weird friends
I have weird friends.
One of them scraps me repeatedly, compelling me, reminding me, badgering me to attend our school reunion... And he himself goes outta town on the anointed day....
He also sends attyuttama gross jokes which make me swear fervently to not meet him as much as possible... (hope he is not reading this blog? If you are, hey hows work man?!)
And then we have this precious piece from another one of my acquaintances...Lets call him groovy boy for lack of a reason.... heh
Groovy boy: hehe..maga 28th ninda xms bere..!
murali: whoa
enzoy maadi
Groovy boy: crap maga...
metallica kelkondu band hodithayidini ivaga
murali: l..l
rock on brother!
The sign 'l..l' is the ultimate rock symbol btw...no idea what it means, but it signifies rock, metal, cool stuff, pizzas, bloody marys, humming washing machines, and anything thats hip n funky! For the official list of things that it signifies, visit
Groovy boy: ya man..yahooooo. (!?!?!?!?)
I mean where the hell?! does yahoooo fit into a purely energetic l..l based rocking conversation!?!?!?
What if i had started talkin more abt tallica n other stuff?!?! :O
Devre devre....
(curtain falls and the handsome protagonist (aka me) continues mumbling away into the darkness.....)
One of them scraps me repeatedly, compelling me, reminding me, badgering me to attend our school reunion... And he himself goes outta town on the anointed day....
He also sends attyuttama gross jokes which make me swear fervently to not meet him as much as possible... (hope he is not reading this blog? If you are, hey hows work man?!)
And then we have this precious piece from another one of my acquaintances...Lets call him groovy boy for lack of a reason.... heh
Groovy boy: hehe..maga 28th ninda xms bere..!
murali: whoa
enzoy maadi
Groovy boy: crap maga...
metallica kelkondu band hodithayidini ivaga
murali: l..l
rock on brother!
The sign 'l..l' is the ultimate rock symbol btw...no idea what it means, but it signifies rock, metal, cool stuff, pizzas, bloody marys, humming washing machines, and anything thats hip n funky! For the official list of things that it signifies, visit
Groovy boy: ya man..yahooooo. (!?!?!?!?)
I mean where the hell?! does yahoooo fit into a purely energetic l..l based rocking conversation!?!?!?
What if i had started talkin more abt tallica n other stuff?!?! :O
Devre devre....
(curtain falls and the handsome protagonist (aka me) continues mumbling away into the darkness.....)
Monday, December 18, 2006
Well, I've heard a lot about being an architect of one's own life....Thinking in a particular way.....Taking control of one's life....
And I've went 'hmmmmm' at that...neither thoroughly supporting it nor vehemently disagreeing with it....
But a feeling of sheer helplessness, a feeling of anger(grinding teeth and desire to beat fists on table), a feeling of shock, culminating in a state of numbness
is what I am going to narrate to u about, now....Some of the statements mite be quite blunt, but hey! I'm not exactly famous for mincing my words am I?
You've lived ur life wary of her... You do not even know what she IS, forget about how to react to her and her 'tantrums'.....Is she mentally challenged? No doesnt seem like it.....Is she physically disabled? Certainly not....As you've grown up, you've neither felt the need nor has there been an opportunity for you to actually find out what happened to an approximately 30 year old woman who looks and seems to be fine, but lacks the mental maturity of one! A ten year old is who u are interacting with....A ten year old who throws tantrums and causes u, a 16 yr old to be slightly embarrassed in front of other relatives....
Well, one fine chilly night is the right setting for the story to be recollected and possibly even relived aint it??
Flashback about 28-29 yrs ago, when there was a 1-2 yr old small girl, who had just fallen ill....The place is Benares....And here we have a DOCTOR! the girl's grandfather...The mother and the unfortunate girl, were supposed to travel by train to some other place, where the father would be waiting for them...The mother rightly refuses to travel whilst the baby is suffering from diarrhoea...The Doc grandpa on the other hand, ignores these pleas, saying he doesn't want to incur the wrath of his irate son in law...And so the journey begins....
Thats where the life of Tulasi(I didnt even know her fucking name! Such a beautiful name...her nickname sonu was being used ever since I've known her) took a twist...The diarrhoea becomes more severe and causes dehydration, which directly affects her brain....I'm still too fucking shocked and numbed and sad to make all this bold and create an effect or draw attention...
Her fate was decided for her, by her parents/grandfather/what the fuck!?!?
Did she have a say in her life? No
more fucking importantly, DOES she have a say in her life?! NO
Its not like she needs constant supervision, but she will not grow mentally to make decisions for herself...Her marriage was a hasty decision and hence a disaster...A lot of ppl suffered because of that...
ALL this, because of some stupid ppl deciding for u? Making a wrong call??
Alright maybe it wasnt a stupid shocking decision, but nonetheless A WRONG decision, COMPLETELY out of ur hands? I'd hardly think there are enuf 1-2 yr olds around, who would straighten their diapers, stand tall and categorically refuse to travel by train on account of their delicate disposition....
Inference drawn : Life can fuck you....Ppl and circumstances around you can fuck you....So bad that if u watch ur own life from a third person's point of view, it can be scary sometimes...
If Tulasi is today, given an opportunity to get out of her current state, and know, analyse and think about what happened to her and what could've been without that accident..........i dont even wanna think about her shock....
Fuck I'm too shocked and numbed to say anything more.....Her life....A life....Valuable life?
And I've went 'hmmmmm' at that...neither thoroughly supporting it nor vehemently disagreeing with it....
But a feeling of sheer helplessness, a feeling of anger(grinding teeth and desire to beat fists on table), a feeling of shock, culminating in a state of numbness
is what I am going to narrate to u about, now....Some of the statements mite be quite blunt, but hey! I'm not exactly famous for mincing my words am I?
You've lived ur life wary of her... You do not even know what she IS, forget about how to react to her and her 'tantrums'.....Is she mentally challenged? No doesnt seem like it.....Is she physically disabled? Certainly not....As you've grown up, you've neither felt the need nor has there been an opportunity for you to actually find out what happened to an approximately 30 year old woman who looks and seems to be fine, but lacks the mental maturity of one! A ten year old is who u are interacting with....A ten year old who throws tantrums and causes u, a 16 yr old to be slightly embarrassed in front of other relatives....
Well, one fine chilly night is the right setting for the story to be recollected and possibly even relived aint it??
Flashback about 28-29 yrs ago, when there was a 1-2 yr old small girl, who had just fallen ill....The place is Benares....And here we have a DOCTOR! the girl's grandfather...The mother and the unfortunate girl, were supposed to travel by train to some other place, where the father would be waiting for them...The mother rightly refuses to travel whilst the baby is suffering from diarrhoea...The Doc grandpa on the other hand, ignores these pleas, saying he doesn't want to incur the wrath of his irate son in law...And so the journey begins....
Thats where the life of Tulasi(I didnt even know her fucking name! Such a beautiful name...her nickname sonu was being used ever since I've known her) took a twist...The diarrhoea becomes more severe and causes dehydration, which directly affects her brain....I'm still too fucking shocked and numbed and sad to make all this bold and create an effect or draw attention...
Her fate was decided for her, by her parents/grandfather/what the fuck!?!?
Did she have a say in her life? No
more fucking importantly, DOES she have a say in her life?! NO
Its not like she needs constant supervision, but she will not grow mentally to make decisions for herself...Her marriage was a hasty decision and hence a disaster...A lot of ppl suffered because of that...
ALL this, because of some stupid ppl deciding for u? Making a wrong call??
Alright maybe it wasnt a stupid shocking decision, but nonetheless A WRONG decision, COMPLETELY out of ur hands? I'd hardly think there are enuf 1-2 yr olds around, who would straighten their diapers, stand tall and categorically refuse to travel by train on account of their delicate disposition....
Inference drawn : Life can fuck you....Ppl and circumstances around you can fuck you....So bad that if u watch ur own life from a third person's point of view, it can be scary sometimes...
If Tulasi is today, given an opportunity to get out of her current state, and know, analyse and think about what happened to her and what could've been without that accident..........i dont even wanna think about her shock....
Fuck I'm too shocked and numbed to say anything more.....Her life....A life....Valuable life?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Divine bliss!
Have you ever touched silk? Pure smooth and enchanting?!
Ok good
Have u ever sat down, held ur arms out almost parallel to the ground and touched silk??
Presenting to you, the Hyundai Getz!!
Banthu konegu adrajji! (Came finally, its grandmother!)
Silver colour!! All style, all masth! Was @ work today battling issues of design dilemma,s incomplete logs, irate Team Leads and missing carrom board strikers!!!!! (last one lead to quite a few lol moments, which helped me get thru the day :) ... thanks vooth! )
Little did I know, that I should have left office and headed straight for home! Nonetheless, when I came back and got the preliminary pat-on-the-back punch-on-the-shoulder with my brother over with, he said lets take it for a spin!!
Me asked cautiously, 'when will u let me drive ur car lo?' He, being the munificent, 'big aortic pump'ed guy he is (no no seriously) said 'ya ivatte odsu..' (drive it now only)
I did give him some scary moments, but boy does the steering wheel listen to me?!?!
And I begged the engine to make itself heard to me, but it just wont budge from its soft, regular purring!!
And the panasonic system HAD to play one of the most mellifluous hindi songs made in recent times, 'aao na' from ..... aaaah u fill in da blanks!
Altogether a most sooooooooooooooooooooper experience!
Getz u here Getz u there Getz u everywhere! :)
Ok good
Have u ever sat down, held ur arms out almost parallel to the ground and touched silk??
Presenting to you, the Hyundai Getz!!
Banthu konegu adrajji! (Came finally, its grandmother!)
Silver colour!! All style, all masth! Was @ work today battling issues of design dilemma,s incomplete logs, irate Team Leads and missing carrom board strikers!!!!! (last one lead to quite a few lol moments, which helped me get thru the day :) ... thanks vooth! )
Little did I know, that I should have left office and headed straight for home! Nonetheless, when I came back and got the preliminary pat-on-the-back punch-on-the-shoulder with my brother over with, he said lets take it for a spin!!
Me asked cautiously, 'when will u let me drive ur car lo?' He, being the munificent, 'big aortic pump'ed guy he is (no no seriously) said 'ya ivatte odsu..' (drive it now only)
I did give him some scary moments, but boy does the steering wheel listen to me?!?!
And I begged the engine to make itself heard to me, but it just wont budge from its soft, regular purring!!
And the panasonic system HAD to play one of the most mellifluous hindi songs made in recent times, 'aao na' from ..... aaaah u fill in da blanks!
Altogether a most sooooooooooooooooooooper experience!
Getz u here Getz u there Getz u everywhere! :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Wah wah
Read it twice to phir jaake samajh me aaya saala!
Think where man's glory most begins and ends
And say my glory was I had such friends.
- William Butler Yeats (God bless his soul!)
Think where man's glory most begins and ends
And say my glory was I had such friends.
- William Butler Yeats (God bless his soul!)
Monday, December 11, 2006
Mur(ph)ly's laws
Ok I've had these things in my hat rack(translates to my head) for a while, so wanted to write it down before it 'fades to black'..... :)
This is something I have experienced/felt strongly quite a bit and my mind has done a 'uh! What just happened there?' or a 'This is way too spooky for it to have happened 4187 times'
Disclaimer : Somebody else mite have already written this elsewhere or can come and claim it in the name of narnia....Well I've got two words for them : "Sure"
There mite be additions to these mental musings....
1. Its only/exactly when you are thinking about something naughty/cunning/wrong/disturbing, that something will happen causing you to not just come back to reality, but come back with a jerk or a bang! (Like you bumping into something, or getting pricked by something sharp or the Toyota Qualis in front of you choosing to brake abruptly and u braking hard and breaking ur bike's indicator!!)
I'm also prepared for the contingency where my unfortunate readers dont get a word of what I am saying......
Take comfort in the fact that there's more sublime crap to come maybe....never stop hoping ;)
This is something I have experienced/felt strongly quite a bit and my mind has done a 'uh! What just happened there?' or a 'This is way too spooky for it to have happened 4187 times'
Disclaimer : Somebody else mite have already written this elsewhere or can come and claim it in the name of narnia....Well I've got two words for them : "Sure"
There mite be additions to these mental musings....
1. Its only/exactly when you are thinking about something naughty/cunning/wrong/disturbing, that something will happen causing you to not just come back to reality, but come back with a jerk or a bang! (Like you bumping into something, or getting pricked by something sharp or the Toyota Qualis in front of you choosing to brake abruptly and u braking hard and breaking ur bike's indicator!!)
I'm also prepared for the contingency where my unfortunate readers dont get a word of what I am saying......
Take comfort in the fact that there's more sublime crap to come maybe....never stop hoping ;)
Friday, December 08, 2006
If you are you, am I me?
Dear readers,
This is the literal translation of name of the play I went to today!
:D :D
:D :D
The four :Ds have a significance mah frend!
Ever heard of the fabulous hindi movie called angur?
No? Okay you mite have heard of Ulta Palta in Kannada?
No? Okay then Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors?
THERE we go! Thats what the play is based on!
Me telling u the plot of the play won't spoil it at all....Cos the brilliance lies entirely in the adaptation of the plot and the enacting of it! Sheer brilliance I tell u the dialogues and the performance of the cast, which includes notable (may not be to every one of my esteemed readers tho ;) ) names like SKC (Sihi Kahi Chandru), Srinivas Prabhu, Jahangir (of Papa Pandu fame).....
Ok for the uninitiated, the plot is as follows
Two sets of twins (yup, 4 ppl)
Get separated during childbirth, but in pairs (yup, 2 pairs of dissimilar twins...as in AB AB)
And they end up bumping into each other ( and how!?!?) , causing their respective relatives quite a bit of confusion !!
I seriously advice kannada lovers to get a sample of this play
Playing @ rangashankara this weekend and sometime later this month too.....
This is the literal translation of name of the play I went to today!
:D :D
:D :D
The four :Ds have a significance mah frend!
Ever heard of the fabulous hindi movie called angur?
No? Okay you mite have heard of Ulta Palta in Kannada?
No? Okay then Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors?
THERE we go! Thats what the play is based on!
Me telling u the plot of the play won't spoil it at all....Cos the brilliance lies entirely in the adaptation of the plot and the enacting of it! Sheer brilliance I tell u the dialogues and the performance of the cast, which includes notable (may not be to every one of my esteemed readers tho ;) ) names like SKC (Sihi Kahi Chandru), Srinivas Prabhu, Jahangir (of Papa Pandu fame).....
Ok for the uninitiated, the plot is as follows
Two sets of twins (yup, 4 ppl)
Get separated during childbirth, but in pairs (yup, 2 pairs of dissimilar twins...as in AB AB)
And they end up bumping into each other ( and how!?!?) , causing their respective relatives quite a bit of confusion !!
I seriously advice kannada lovers to get a sample of this play
Playing @ rangashankara this weekend and sometime later this month too.....
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I prayed, you know?
Did u listen?
Did u want it this way?
Why does it always rain on him?
Down in a hole
Losing my soul
I try to fly
but my wings have been 'so denied'
Help him help himself atleast!?
Ninnishta en bekadru madko hogu....
Did u listen?
Did u want it this way?
Why does it always rain on him?
Down in a hole
Losing my soul
I try to fly
but my wings have been 'so denied'
Help him help himself atleast!?
Ninnishta en bekadru madko hogu....
Maxed out...
Tuesday evening... Slightly bored....
Teammate comes to me n rags with following 'problem' which requires an algorithm.....
Given an array A of numbers (sorted, unsorted, negative ....could be anything) , find the most efficient (focus more on time than on memory) algo to calculate MAX ( A[i] - A[j] ) where i 'is less than' j ( couldn't write the 'less than sign' without a hack, cos blogger didn't allow me to do so....you learn something everyday.......)
Do something better than O(n^2) please....
Of course no solutions like sort the array and then do the calculation n stuff....
Where are the comments, with ur solutions??!?! Flowing like mud around here.....
O.S : I think I have written an algorithm for the above problem....Too lazy to check it for multiple cases.....Cmon Kattu!
Teammate comes to me n rags with following 'problem' which requires an algorithm.....
Given an array A of numbers (sorted, unsorted, negative ....could be anything) , find the most efficient (focus more on time than on memory) algo to calculate MAX ( A[i] - A[j] ) where i 'is less than' j ( couldn't write the 'less than sign' without a hack, cos blogger didn't allow me to do so....you learn something everyday.......)
Do something better than O(n^2) please....
Of course no solutions like sort the array and then do the calculation n stuff....
Where are the comments, with ur solutions??!?! Flowing like mud around here.....
O.S : I think I have written an algorithm for the above problem....Too lazy to check it for multiple cases.....Cmon Kattu!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wah wah
Ajnabi hai na hum paraaye hain
Tere hi jism-o-jaan ke saaye hain
Ek tere aitbaar ki khaatir
Dil ne kitne fareb khaaye hain
Tere hi jism-o-jaan ke saaye hain
Zindagi se gila kiya hi nahi
Zakhm khaaye hai muskuraaye hain
Tere hi jism-o-jaan ke saaye hain
Ek tu hai ki teri raahon mein
Khud hawa ne diye jalaaye hain
:) Worship and loving of the beloved taken to its heights.....
I know not why I am sounding so formal!
I know not oh alas tis but only oh no! :D
Tere hi jism-o-jaan ke saaye hain
Ek tere aitbaar ki khaatir
Dil ne kitne fareb khaaye hain
Tere hi jism-o-jaan ke saaye hain
Zindagi se gila kiya hi nahi
Zakhm khaaye hai muskuraaye hain
Tere hi jism-o-jaan ke saaye hain
Ek tu hai ki teri raahon mein
Khud hawa ne diye jalaaye hain
:) Worship and loving of the beloved taken to its heights.....
I know not why I am sounding so formal!
I know not oh alas tis but only oh no! :D
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tech blog

Warning! Do not press cscope -c in ur unix terminal
Putty conked big time for the me.
Please do not mistake this as some te**orist programming terminal, coding in ur*u. As I was writing this, I was aware of the fact that thru their advanced tracking algorithms, they might sense that I wrote the word "te****ist" in my blog and nuke me outta this world....
Guitar is back!
My baby!
The store guy who restrung my guitar called it "Saraswati".....I felt devotion surging thru my veins and caught myself feeling devotion surging thru my veins...
Am also looking to restore that faltering derailed guitar career of mine...If only Mr Victor Albert would be available for some discussions regarding that matter.....
God helps he who helps himself!
Patience maguve.....Fade to Black and other covers are not too far away......
All in good time! Peace all...
The store guy who restrung my guitar called it "Saraswati".....I felt devotion surging thru my veins and caught myself feeling devotion surging thru my veins...
Am also looking to restore that faltering derailed guitar career of mine...If only Mr Victor Albert would be available for some discussions regarding that matter.....
God helps he who helps himself!
Patience maguve.....Fade to Black and other covers are not too far away......
All in good time! Peace all...
Friday, November 24, 2006
No one gives it to you - you have to take it!!
The FBI are like Mushrooms....You keep them in the dark and feed them shit!
- Mark Wahlberg, The Departed
I don't wanna be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me.
- Jack Nicholson, The Departed
- Mark Wahlberg, The Departed
I don't wanna be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me.
- Jack Nicholson, The Departed
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
First steps
A kid clings onto his parents for support for most things, as it grows thru life.....
As we grow, I think we slowly start stopping depending on our parents.....One by one, we cross off our list (Jeez! I can even walk while eating now or vice versa!!) Our needs/dependence now turn towards more serious issues and starts involving other ppl around us.....
But seems like we never give up depending on somebody for something or the other.....Most most importantly, emotionally, I don't think one ever stops depending on somebody.....

You depend on somebody....Doesnt work? Doesnt matter.....Go some place else...Set up camp....I've seen this happen.....A disappointment of the past being forgotten/accepted/conquered over by a new triumph! Another shoulder to lean on, another finger to grasp and walk using.....
Let my heart go
You never let my heart go
Just let my heart go
And let this heart be fucking still!
As we grow, I think we slowly start stopping depending on our parents.....One by one, we cross off our list (Jeez! I can even walk while eating now or vice versa!!) Our needs/dependence now turn towards more serious issues and starts involving other ppl around us.....
But seems like we never give up depending on somebody for something or the other.....Most most importantly, emotionally, I don't think one ever stops depending on somebody.....

You depend on somebody....Doesnt work? Doesnt matter.....Go some place else...Set up camp....I've seen this happen.....A disappointment of the past being forgotten/accepted/conquered over by a new triumph! Another shoulder to lean on, another finger to grasp and walk using.....
Let my heart go
You never let my heart go
Just let my heart go
And let this heart be fucking still!
Monday, November 20, 2006
While my guitar gently weeps.....
The first string of my guitar just broke last night....I am not finding any other word to describe it...
My heart skipped a beat and the momentary shock was quickly replaced by that dead calm that surrounds me nowadays.....A visit to the repair shop ashte.....
My heart skipped a beat and the momentary shock was quickly replaced by that dead calm that surrounds me nowadays.....A visit to the repair shop ashte.....
Friday, November 17, 2006
- When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
- The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
- Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
WiKI RoXx!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I hadn't noticed this
Man alive!
With everybody going goo goo ga ga (no?! just me?) over google and its products and innovations and services offered etc etc, here's something awesome I noticed in Firefox.....
You open mozilla and start pressing Ctrl-T (openin new tabs) in a frenzy opening orkut and gmail and god knows what( no no not THAT maybe :P ).....And then u hit a site like Google personalised home page, which u think should be ur rightful home page.....So you go to Tools->Options->General-> and u find an option which says "Use current pages" to be ur home page.....
I was like...hmmm lemme seeee.....And used that option.....Opened a new firefox window
And voila!! All those pages are being opened in tabs for you.....I was quite happy and amazed at that
With everybody going goo goo ga ga (no?! just me?) over google and its products and innovations and services offered etc etc, here's something awesome I noticed in Firefox.....
You open mozilla and start pressing Ctrl-T (openin new tabs) in a frenzy opening orkut and gmail and god knows what( no no not THAT maybe :P ).....And then u hit a site like Google personalised home page, which u think should be ur rightful home page.....So you go to Tools->Options->General-> and u find an option which says "Use current pages" to be ur home page.....
I was like...hmmm lemme seeee.....And used that option.....Opened a new firefox window
And voila!! All those pages are being opened in tabs for you.....I was quite happy and amazed at that
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still, yes she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there!
Lay beside me, tell me what I've done
The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes now I see it!
She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again
She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone
Black heart scarring darker still, yes she'll be there when I'm gone
Yes, she'll be there when I'm gone
Dead sure she'll be there!
Lay beside me, tell me what I've done
The door is closed, so are your eyes
But now I see the sun, now I see the sun
Yes now I see it!
coupla thought provoking passages :
The Rainy Day
Written at the old home in Portland
THE day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains,and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.
My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains,and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.
Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
...No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece
of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by
the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any
man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind;
and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it
tolls for thee...
John Donne
The Rainy Day
Written at the old home in Portland
THE day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains,and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.
My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains,and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.
Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
...No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece
of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by
the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any
man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind;
and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it
tolls for thee...
John Donne
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sensitive build result files
Some files are very emotional when it comes to builds succeeding.....
Some files are very emotional when it comes to builds succeeding.....
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Twisted Logic
You go backwards again
You go forwards again
Kinda like a yo yo oy?
Shoot me again I ain't dead yet!! Muhahahahaha
You go forwards again
Kinda like a yo yo oy?
Shoot me again I ain't dead yet!! Muhahahahaha
You've told an application to remember ur password a while ago.......Probably need to rewind the time machine to a time when u were a tad less mature.......
And then come zooming straight back to today, where that very password is needed to be entered elsewhere.......Ah! But how to recover saved passwords u ask? Well, unless its stored in mozilla, me knows no other way.....
So I go to the website and say 'forgot password(hit me! hit me now)'
And the question I am posed with is "What is your favorite brotherhood?" (undoubtedly an ingenious security device setup by erstwhile by a juvenile me)
After some rofls, I started to implement the workaround........
And then come zooming straight back to today, where that very password is needed to be entered elsewhere.......Ah! But how to recover saved passwords u ask? Well, unless its stored in mozilla, me knows no other way.....
So I go to the website and say 'forgot password(hit me! hit me now)'
And the question I am posed with is "What is your favorite brotherhood?" (undoubtedly an ingenious security device setup by erstwhile by a juvenile me)
After some rofls, I started to implement the workaround........
Friday, November 03, 2006
Bury me softly in this womb
Oh I wana be inside of you (background)
I give this part of me for you
Oh I wana be inside of you (background)
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers (oh I want to be inside of you)
In a tomb...in bloom
Oh I want to be inside...
Down in a hole
losing my soul
What would touch me deeper, tears that fall from eyes that only cry
Would it touch you deeper, the tears that fall from eyes that know why
A lifetime of questions and tears on ur cheek, I tasted the answers and my body felt weak
Well there was a time when u let me know
whats really going on below
But now you never show that to me do ya?
But remember when I moved in you
And holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was hallelujah!!
"The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life."
Oh I wana be inside of you (background)
I give this part of me for you
Oh I wana be inside of you (background)
Sand rains down and here I sit
Holding rare flowers (oh I want to be inside of you)
In a tomb...in bloom
Oh I want to be inside...
Down in a hole
losing my soul
What would touch me deeper, tears that fall from eyes that only cry
Would it touch you deeper, the tears that fall from eyes that know why
A lifetime of questions and tears on ur cheek, I tasted the answers and my body felt weak
Well there was a time when u let me know
whats really going on below
But now you never show that to me do ya?
But remember when I moved in you
And holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was hallelujah!!
"The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life."
According to Orkut, I'm a "That 70's show"
Distinction percentage, my mind reminds me.....
Nadili Nadili....
Distinction percentage, my mind reminds me.....
Nadili Nadili....
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Forgive me father if I've sinned....
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear blah blah
Happy Birthday to YOUH!
Belated wishes to you oh dear....Hope you are happy wherever you are
Belated wishes for yesterday and premature wishes for tomorrow....Do you remember what tomo is? Not a big deal, but still....
You may yourself not remember down the line what tomorrow is....Hence the etching onto blogger.com...
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear blah blah
Happy Birthday to YOUH!
Belated wishes to you oh dear....Hope you are happy wherever you are
Belated wishes for yesterday and premature wishes for tomorrow....Do you remember what tomo is? Not a big deal, but still....
You may yourself not remember down the line what tomorrow is....Hence the etching onto blogger.com...
Monday, October 30, 2006
quotable quotes
These are from live, living, walking, breathing, eating, talking ppl I know
You never know who can get hurt by what you say.
A girl always breaks up a gang of guys........
Don't trust your friend with a secret if you don't trust yourself with one.
Helidd maathu kelalla (means "Doesn't listen to you"......this one was about a dick........A dick doesnt obey the host to which it is attached apparently....Only I'm being too blatant about it...NOW i see the sun....)
knowlezz! tanks ppl.... Maybe more to come.... :)
You never know who can get hurt by what you say.
A girl always breaks up a gang of guys........
Don't trust your friend with a secret if you don't trust yourself with one.
Helidd maathu kelalla (means "Doesn't listen to you"......this one was about a dick........A dick doesnt obey the host to which it is attached apparently....Only I'm being too blatant about it...NOW i see the sun....)
knowlezz! tanks ppl.... Maybe more to come.... :)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Mukha nodi mane haaka beda...

Fig 1 : Sand....Stealth....Phone Camera.....Cat!
Title of post is a kannada proverb, which means do not judge by face value...
Exactly that is what I should not do in ze future is what I've learnt!
First of all, a prelude to this post please? Bheemeshwari, Jungle Lodges and Resorts! The destination for our first ever section offsite....Which meant hanging out with unknown folks most of who shall, almost as a rule, remain unknown folks after the outing too! But what about the ppl u know and who u work with? Well turns out u get to see very interesting sides of them! ;) Intrigued??? Lets dive right into the details!
Friday the 27th of October!
8:15 is bus departure time as intimated through electronic mail the previous day. Ally being pursuaded to have a spot of breakfast by the almighty mom! Looks at avlakki with undisguised loathing cos at that unearthly hour, he'd rather eat leaves growing on his compound wall....
After some avlakki has been forced in, a distressed look at the clock with the minute hand at 12 and hour hand at ohfuckeight!, ally makes way for the gate rather hurriedly! And who must appear out of the neighbor's house, but a shining pearl! Turns out some article had to be returned by this delicacy to our house and I bumped into her without any form of any regret! "Whoa! My day's started out pretty well!" Me thought.... At that very second, God was goin "he he he ya sure paapu!"
We manage to leave for bheemeshwari finalleee at 9:10 am....Instead of takin a direct road to vidhan soudha, we are taken for a ride around it...THAT! that is the point where I shud've taken the hint and braced myself....All I did though, was munch on some lakeview sandwiches and pastry.....
Well, wat do i say of the journey oh patient readers?!? All of FOUR FUCKING HOURS to cover a measly 100 kms, albeit most of it was off Mysore road on a bumpy track.... To make the journey just that smidgen more pleasant, there was bellowing of its passengers in what was termed a 'singing competition' called antakshari....As if this wasnt enough to stifle the musician inside me, there was also a dance by a grown MAN in a tumbling, bumbling bus aisle to 'Kajra re'....Man! Once u've seen THAT, u've seen it all I believe (MY EYES MY EYES!!!!!!)
The only bright spot was probably that delightful face, that smile, that calm demeanor amidst all the chaos that stood out and caught my eyes! Who was she? Which team is she? Where does she live? A weird sort of exhilaration! Must make contact with this particular instance of Class Human! is what registered in my mind....But noh noh noh! I didnt chose the topic of this post jus like that! Lets just say that she was in more than one way a rather huge disappointment, once I got of the bus and well...."got" more of her!! Lets just leave it at that ok? It hurts way too much to talk about it! Alas! Akatakata!!!!! :D
Now the story takes another twist....On landing at 1.30, we were censured quite deservingly for being whoppingly late...And hence were asked to wait for lunch....And how did I spend that half hour u ask? By playing frisbee with a project and a section manager! :O Man it can be a relaxing and entertainin game!
Lunch...well wasnt just lunch was it?? There was some mention of champagne being served which evaporated like petrol being exposed to air....My chances of gettin some into my own system went kaput! Still there was no dearth of beer though....And someone somewhere better be damn bloody appreciative of the fact that I did not drink!!
Post lunch was a coracle ride, where I saw three crocodiles!! While this isn't exactly an 'aamir khan swallowing a fish that he caught in DCH' kinda proud moment, it was pretty cool to watch this deadly, deceptive creatures barely show themselves and disappear instantly! We all sang "jhalak dikhlaaaaaaja" like good boys, but nothing doing....
After that, some quality time spent amidst the hammocks and small rock kinda formations humming to myself, splashing kaveri maa water on me fayce, taking in the scenery and saying things like "ah this is the life" out loud...It also involved me sitting on a rock which had some traces of tar on it, the afternoon sun just starting to melt it....God help my mom take THAT off mah pants :D
And then THE moment....it started raining!!!!! You have an expanse of water and u have water coming in from the heavens and oh my god thats a scene to behold!!! And when some laidies wanna party in the rain and get wet, you just sit there, with ur lips sealed (probably in awe) savoring the sight and some hot tea baibee.........
Thats it follks! Time to get back onto the death machine and trudge back to the place we know as earth..err ...bangalore... Wait a minute! Lets make it more tiring shall we? We'll add an hour this time....FIVE ! thats the number! We'll take five hours to get back!! Yippee.....Get off bus @ 10.30 with "mercy! pls show us mercy!" on our lips and rush back home in ten minutes on mah bike!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fig 1. Hen and cock
The place where I used to have bucket loads of fun as a kid! The place where I played with big boys when I was a kid, a heaven only magnified by the fact that summer holidays were spent there....Now I've heard many ppl saying its a dull dud place where nothing happens, time stretches to eternity and blah blah
I'm running away with my description here...one thing at a time pls....
Left at around 8....Got to Shivalli restaurant unscathed....Then started the peril....I started insisting vehemently that I would drive the remaining distance to Mysore...Dad thought, eh? havent been adventurous for a long time....So gave me the keys..
Was one of the funnest parts of the whole trip.......Cheching at 90 sometimes, I made the road mine! Constantly admiring the concept of banking, I rode the streets as though I was infected with wanderlust! Caressing the steering wheel and stroking the gear shaft.......(err....um....where am I going with this? )
Alas @ Srirangapatna my brother woke up to the fact that he was missing out on some quality fun....So he commanded me to slow down, step out of the car, keep my hands on my head....No no just to hand the wheel over to him.......
Reach mysore and I had a well planned itinerary for us in mind.....A cunning relative of mine tried to mould that into his favor....Nothing doing me said (thats me standing up for what I wanted....)
and proceded to watch the Man Utd vs Liverpool even though the other guys went to KRS and saw water dance to dhoom machaale dhoom machaale dhoom! Even though it seems frivolous that I would prefer a football match over an outing with my relatives in THEIR house, but thats what I wanted to do and would be most happy doing.....
Oh ya, saw last formyula one rayce of schumi....Masth man he is i thinks....
Monday saw both sons of the Rao household waking up rather late and looking sluggish (as was intended :D ) Within no time, it was afternoon which had been reserved to see "Don" by my brother....But we left a lil bit early and visited karanji lake ! (sound familiar?? "Koorakkukkaralli kere....telakk karanji kere......." :D :D ) Man what a nice place?! Pedal boating and future discussings with brother for alf hour to 40 mins and then a visit to the local aviary....Man the camera in my phone has never seen so much action! Snapped and snapped at everything from spoonbills to peacocks (Refer to fig 1) to rabbits running around.....Tranquil, serence and beautiful!
Then Don @ 35 bucks per head! (Can yu beleev that??? 35 bucks for a top notch hindi movie!) Not too bad a theatre either.....No multiplex but not gandhi class seating either.....Well, post movie, I was filled with a lot of questions, awed by udit narayan's rendition of khaike paan and driving around mysore to get back to our residing place while avoiding crackers on the road and resultant heart attacks!!
Tuesday saw me visiting a relative's place and playing cricket with a 3rd standard goin kid! Man he was small......He taught me how to do "swing bowling".....Hadnt played cricket for ages! And he stumped me with some astronomy related questions too! :O Where did all the info I gathered about stars, eclipses and other shit go??? Major leakageonomy!!! Thats when it most hit me that I so want to be a kid but have grown up and its inevitability staring at me!! Che
Mysore...The simple place....Where u can cover 10 kms in 15 minutes.....Where people talk to u with a smile while giving directions.....Where there is beauty.....A nice place and always close to my heart it will be!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
What if I got it wrong?
And no poem or song..
Could put right what I got wrong,
Or make you feel I belong
What if you should decide?
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life.
Coldplay is a smart band
Cos, you know, they only ask the questions but dont answer them.......
I'll go a step ahead and say that its unimaginably healthy and best to NOT EVEN ASK THE QUESTION SOMETIMES!
No answer no khich khich
Peace everywhere
Screw all
I've seen the man use the needle
Seen the needle use the man...........
And no poem or song..
Could put right what I got wrong,
Or make you feel I belong
What if you should decide?
That you don't want me there by your side
That you don't want me there in your life.
Coldplay is a smart band
Cos, you know, they only ask the questions but dont answer them.......
I'll go a step ahead and say that its unimaginably healthy and best to NOT EVEN ASK THE QUESTION SOMETIMES!
No answer no khich khich
Peace everywhere
Screw all
I've seen the man use the needle
Seen the needle use the man...........
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Bathtub tips
1. Clean the bathtub
2. Pee (Lot of water stimulates ur urinary system)
3. Winamp -> Music selection -> Remove Shuffle
Here's my list of songs which I am generously lending :
Pink Floyd - Learnng to fly
R.E.M - Everybody Hurts
Iron Maiden - Phantom of the Opera (Preferably being listened to after 6-8 months)
Coldplay - Fix you
Metallica - N0thing else matters (acoustic)
Iron Maiden - Dance of death
Velvet Revolver - Fall to pieces
Coldplay - Speed of sound
Iron Maiden - Afraid to shoot strangers
Iron Maiden - Hallowed be thy name
Velvet Revolver - Loving the alien
4. Get some drinking water...This is because of dehydration once you get into the tub, especially since u've followed step 2 in Preparation phase.....I am not generalising here, but makes sense to have water which u can drink.....Also Ironic how being in water can make u want water more!!
Tha Bath
While you are performing step 3 in preparation, bath tub shud be filling up with water....Select right mixture of hot and cold water......Don be afraid of hot water......Its good and soothing
During bath, one is allowed to get out and come to computer to change song which is playing...Pre bath song tastes will differ from in bath mood....Fore warned is fore armed.....
Also, if the song volume on ur music system is causing vibrations in err ..um ... some parts of ur body, time to decrease volume to avoid post bath parent kickass
Also, if there is no drinking water, u will feel the effects of the dehydration when u get out of the bath tub to perform above mentioned actions....You mite even see urself swinging and swooning....Relax its just a mirror...
Post bath
Approximately when u 1/3rd of Loving the Alien has been completed, u remove the stopper in the tub to let the water to drain.......After all the water has gone out ("I never noticed....how lovely were the aliens......"), get up...take another shower, dry urself nicely and
Thats u hitting the bed......Congratulations on completing an hour long bath.
1. Clean the bathtub
2. Pee (Lot of water stimulates ur urinary system)
3. Winamp -> Music selection -> Remove Shuffle
Here's my list of songs which I am generously lending :
Pink Floyd - Learnng to fly
R.E.M - Everybody Hurts
Iron Maiden - Phantom of the Opera (Preferably being listened to after 6-8 months)
Coldplay - Fix you
Metallica - N0thing else matters (acoustic)
Iron Maiden - Dance of death
Velvet Revolver - Fall to pieces
Coldplay - Speed of sound
Iron Maiden - Afraid to shoot strangers
Iron Maiden - Hallowed be thy name
Velvet Revolver - Loving the alien
4. Get some drinking water...This is because of dehydration once you get into the tub, especially since u've followed step 2 in Preparation phase.....I am not generalising here, but makes sense to have water which u can drink.....Also Ironic how being in water can make u want water more!!
Tha Bath
While you are performing step 3 in preparation, bath tub shud be filling up with water....Select right mixture of hot and cold water......Don be afraid of hot water......Its good and soothing
During bath, one is allowed to get out and come to computer to change song which is playing...Pre bath song tastes will differ from in bath mood....Fore warned is fore armed.....
Also, if the song volume on ur music system is causing vibrations in err ..um ... some parts of ur body, time to decrease volume to avoid post bath parent kickass
Also, if there is no drinking water, u will feel the effects of the dehydration when u get out of the bath tub to perform above mentioned actions....You mite even see urself swinging and swooning....Relax its just a mirror...
Post bath
Approximately when u 1/3rd of Loving the Alien has been completed, u remove the stopper in the tub to let the water to drain.......After all the water has gone out ("I never noticed....how lovely were the aliens......"), get up...take another shower, dry urself nicely and
Thats u hitting the bed......Congratulations on completing an hour long bath.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Live shit binge and purge!!!!!
Its finalleee here
What is it about Metallica that makes me go "yikes!!" or "yoicks!!" or "hooooah!!" or "aikeeaah!!" or other sounds which denote excitement!?
Is it the fact that when the camera focuses on him just before the concert backstage, James Hetfield choses to say "Hey fags and sluts!!" to the crowd??? (No thats not the reason, but couldnt resist mentioning it here lol :D )
Is it the fact that they've gotten equally heavy and melodious in their music, with masterful guitaring and mind blowing lyrics??
Yenopa.....I like them....And nothing else matters..... B-) :cool
Am gonna watch and savor this 2 dvd set like fuckin hell yeah!!!
Its finalleee here
What is it about Metallica that makes me go "yikes!!" or "yoicks!!" or "hooooah!!" or "aikeeaah!!" or other sounds which denote excitement!?
Is it the fact that when the camera focuses on him just before the concert backstage, James Hetfield choses to say "Hey fags and sluts!!" to the crowd??? (No thats not the reason, but couldnt resist mentioning it here lol :D )
Is it the fact that they've gotten equally heavy and melodious in their music, with masterful guitaring and mind blowing lyrics??
Yenopa.....I like them....And nothing else matters..... B-) :cool
Am gonna watch and savor this 2 dvd set like fuckin hell yeah!!!
Friday, October 06, 2006
My little bubble?
"......My heart's like an open book, for the whole world to read......"
- Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue
I wish this were true....
Concealment, pent up anger maybe even grudges are commonly available articles in today's market i feel....either that or its being push marketed to me!
Formality and reservedness is what is given to u, whether u like it or not....Instead of being shouted at and the issue cleared, silence is observed....the heat of the moment clouds the brain....Trust and Consideration are at an all time low....
I do wanto take this space to see it from the "victim"'s point of view....when one is wronged and hurt by u emotionally, it is hard, for one, to clear the dark clouds of pain and look for the teeny tiny possibility of a misunderstanding....
But the bottom line is, which according to me has stood the test of time, that ANYBODY deserves a second chance, a consideration especially if ANYBODY is ur friend.....
And in the case where u are wrong, and u have the guts/courage/righteousness/humility/acceptance (pick one or more or add more), to admit that u were wrong and to be genuinely sorry is something which is taboo.....Yeah u are not given a chance....And its almost like the sorry coming out from you is just a namesake and is not meant by you....
P.S : I'll forget this post soon.....sooner than the others....Have that feeling....
- Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue
I wish this were true....
Concealment, pent up anger maybe even grudges are commonly available articles in today's market i feel....either that or its being push marketed to me!
Formality and reservedness is what is given to u, whether u like it or not....Instead of being shouted at and the issue cleared, silence is observed....the heat of the moment clouds the brain....Trust and Consideration are at an all time low....
I do wanto take this space to see it from the "victim"'s point of view....when one is wronged and hurt by u emotionally, it is hard, for one, to clear the dark clouds of pain and look for the teeny tiny possibility of a misunderstanding....
But the bottom line is, which according to me has stood the test of time, that ANYBODY deserves a second chance, a consideration especially if ANYBODY is ur friend.....
And in the case where u are wrong, and u have the guts/courage/righteousness/humility/acceptance (pick one or more or add more), to admit that u were wrong and to be genuinely sorry is something which is taboo.....Yeah u are not given a chance....And its almost like the sorry coming out from you is just a namesake and is not meant by you....
P.S : I'll forget this post soon.....sooner than the others....Have that feeling....
Friday, September 29, 2006
Worst kind
The worst kind of frustration is when you find nothing/nobody to blame it on, including yourself.....
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Reality check
Lage Raho munnabhai
I had literally camped in PVR yesterday...... 12 to 7 pm
As I watched both of these romantic comedies, 'lage raho' also involving strongly pushing a message home, I could not help but wonder how unreal both of those movies were wrt the romantic aspects! My readers will bear with me and let me tell them that the way in which hirani sir drove home the concepts of "Gandhigiri", truth and honesty in present day society were truly laudable and quite ingenious!
But that aint wat me talkin abt....In the hustle bustle of today's world, very rarely do u get to bump heads with a girl that u are bound to fall in love with at first sight.....and even more unlikely is her coming back to u and saying that if she didnt bump heads with u again, she would grow a horn! (heroine of bommarillu....an absolute doll, but some vacant spaces up top...)
No you don't get away with girls, after speaking colloquial language like "vaaat", "apun ka", "maamoo" and convince her u are a professor tackling linguistic dilemmas! NO you won't jump and dance in the road, as a bunch of college girls inside a bus are yelling at u that the only silent girl in the bus is in love with u, at the top of their voices! No!, you wouldn't dream of falling in love after getting engaged to another girl and offending ur father who has commanded over u for 25 years.....
(I have cycled between two movies above...u might be confused)
And the girls themselves are pretty smart nowadays...they have high ambitions, high fantasy based aspirations of a man....They want things like a tall man, an older man, a man who is rich, a disciplined man, a well dressed man, a man who can play the piano and juggle peacocks while brushing his teeth....
How about love? How about a man who can give them love? And who is waiting to do that, at the slightest approval??
I do not know why I am so obsessed with reality and demand the adherence of movies to it....Temporarily I switched off yesterday and hence was able to enjoy the movies thank you very much....After all, classy acting and dialogues cant be ignored forever! :-)
Lage Raho munnabhai
I had literally camped in PVR yesterday...... 12 to 7 pm
As I watched both of these romantic comedies, 'lage raho' also involving strongly pushing a message home, I could not help but wonder how unreal both of those movies were wrt the romantic aspects! My readers will bear with me and let me tell them that the way in which hirani sir drove home the concepts of "Gandhigiri", truth and honesty in present day society were truly laudable and quite ingenious!
But that aint wat me talkin abt....In the hustle bustle of today's world, very rarely do u get to bump heads with a girl that u are bound to fall in love with at first sight.....and even more unlikely is her coming back to u and saying that if she didnt bump heads with u again, she would grow a horn! (heroine of bommarillu....an absolute doll, but some vacant spaces up top...)
No you don't get away with girls, after speaking colloquial language like "vaaat", "apun ka", "maamoo" and convince her u are a professor tackling linguistic dilemmas! NO you won't jump and dance in the road, as a bunch of college girls inside a bus are yelling at u that the only silent girl in the bus is in love with u, at the top of their voices! No!, you wouldn't dream of falling in love after getting engaged to another girl and offending ur father who has commanded over u for 25 years.....
(I have cycled between two movies above...u might be confused)
And the girls themselves are pretty smart nowadays...they have high ambitions, high fantasy based aspirations of a man....They want things like a tall man, an older man, a man who is rich, a disciplined man, a well dressed man, a man who can play the piano and juggle peacocks while brushing his teeth....
How about love? How about a man who can give them love? And who is waiting to do that, at the slightest approval??
I do not know why I am so obsessed with reality and demand the adherence of movies to it....Temporarily I switched off yesterday and hence was able to enjoy the movies thank you very much....After all, classy acting and dialogues cant be ignored forever! :-)
Monday, September 25, 2006
Kyu gardish-e-mudaam se ghabra na jaaye dil
Insaan hu, piyaala-o-saagar nahi hu main
The emotions surge in me, a (hu)man, a normal (hu)man.....
Never saw this coming
So soon that is
A tough few days coming up.......
Running over the same old ground
what have I found
same old fears
wish you were....
he IS here.....hope he helps....
To Girish : one man's fun is another's hell.....
Insaan hu, piyaala-o-saagar nahi hu main
The emotions surge in me, a (hu)man, a normal (hu)man.....
Never saw this coming
So soon that is
A tough few days coming up.......
Running over the same old ground
what have I found
same old fears
wish you were....
he IS here.....hope he helps....
To Girish : one man's fun is another's hell.....
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
A prayer
Oh God Help
- Me curb the desire to be somebody else
- Me realise and accept that, which cannot be
- Her achieve her goals...And give her as much as she deserves not more not less, but do not fail to recognise what she has done
- Him in getting "everything" right in his life from now on
- Him in his troubles
- Me curb the desire to be somebody else
- Me realise and accept that, which cannot be
- Me curb the desire to be somebody else
- Me realise and accept that, which cannot be
- Me curb the desire.................................................
- Me curb the desire to be somebody else
- Me realise and accept that, which cannot be
- Her achieve her goals...And give her as much as she deserves not more not less, but do not fail to recognise what she has done
- Him in getting "everything" right in his life from now on
- Him in his troubles
- Me curb the desire to be somebody else
- Me realise and accept that, which cannot be
- Me curb the desire to be somebody else
- Me realise and accept that, which cannot be
- Me curb the desire.................................................
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Am I?????
Orkut is very stringent, I knew....What with its apparently oh so funny donut msgs n all, it also gave out the impression of it being buggy/crazy sometimes....But this just takes the cake....
This is something serious guys....We should all pose this question to ourselves.....
Are we prone to tentacles sprouting out of us anyday??? (ooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee alien music in background)..... Whoa! MIBish vibes...
This is something serious guys....We should all pose this question to ourselves.....
Are we prone to tentacles sprouting out of us anyday??? (ooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee alien music in background)..... Whoa! MIBish vibes...

Thursday, September 07, 2006
"habba - a regression"
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
|\|3\/\/ 7|-|I|\|90rz
_|uz7 {h3{x 7Hi$ pu7! I c4|\| \/\/ri73 wh473\/4h I w4n7 !!!!!
Took me some time it did!!! http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/leetspeak.mspx
_|uz7 {h3{x 7Hi$ pu7! I c4|\| \/\/ri73 wh473\/4h I w4n7 !!!!!
Took me some time it did!!! http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/leetspeak.mspx
Apocalypse Now
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Phoebe : You know, you don't make a good first impression.....
Chandy : What?!
Phoebe : Oh you don't know
Chandy : Are you serious?!
Phoebe : Yes, I mean when I first met you, you were like "blah bala blah blah blah" and I was like "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"
Chandy : What is it that I do??!
Phoebe : Well, its just that you're trying too hard, always making jokes, you know? You come off a little needy!
Its been a long time since I read a little Johnny joke....Was, at one time, fond of them, apparently....
I need some moderation......
By Muralidhar S
Its been a long year since u've been gone, been alone here, 've grown old
Why is loneliness such a dreaded thing?? I mean, doesn't loneliness approach u with sufficient warning and premonitions??? Given the sudden departure of money from ur wallet when u are undecided about which phone to buy, can u leave u in a state of "huh?!"... But wrt ppl, shouldnt loneliness as a threat be deprioritized??
First of all, we hardly ever get time to explore ourselves.... How many of us actually talk to ourselves apart from low mutters and frustrations at self, taken out in short bursts of anger?? We are constantly in the company of people..at work, at home, at outings, at theatres, at traffic junctions....
There are also times, when almost every one of us has felt the need to run away to some place of quietness and calm! Yet when some of them DO get that opportunity, they shy away from it and start thinking about how "lonely" it can get!! I mean, granted...a separation from ur near and dear ones for too long a time can be unsettling.....But a periodic sojourn should be welcomed rather than treated with apprehension....
The more we are ok with the concept of us being alone and independent, the more confidence we get about ourselves and our abilities! This point of view not to be mistaken with a strong desire to lead a lonely sagely life away from civilization and kantri road dogs.....The people around us, make ur day....They are an integral part of ur life indeed, when it comes to them being part of ur happiness.....
I guess this is now going nowhere....yawn
Mental Note : Try and talk less.... You've probably been blind to such signs which ppl have given u b4.....Kan teredu nodu....
Chandy : What?!
Phoebe : Oh you don't know
Chandy : Are you serious?!
Phoebe : Yes, I mean when I first met you, you were like "blah bala blah blah blah" and I was like "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"
Chandy : What is it that I do??!
Phoebe : Well, its just that you're trying too hard, always making jokes, you know? You come off a little needy!
Its been a long time since I read a little Johnny joke....Was, at one time, fond of them, apparently....
I need some moderation......
By Muralidhar S
Its been a long year since u've been gone, been alone here, 've grown old
Why is loneliness such a dreaded thing?? I mean, doesn't loneliness approach u with sufficient warning and premonitions??? Given the sudden departure of money from ur wallet when u are undecided about which phone to buy, can u leave u in a state of "huh?!"... But wrt ppl, shouldnt loneliness as a threat be deprioritized??
First of all, we hardly ever get time to explore ourselves.... How many of us actually talk to ourselves apart from low mutters and frustrations at self, taken out in short bursts of anger?? We are constantly in the company of people..at work, at home, at outings, at theatres, at traffic junctions....
There are also times, when almost every one of us has felt the need to run away to some place of quietness and calm! Yet when some of them DO get that opportunity, they shy away from it and start thinking about how "lonely" it can get!! I mean, granted...a separation from ur near and dear ones for too long a time can be unsettling.....But a periodic sojourn should be welcomed rather than treated with apprehension....
The more we are ok with the concept of us being alone and independent, the more confidence we get about ourselves and our abilities! This point of view not to be mistaken with a strong desire to lead a lonely sagely life away from civilization and kantri road dogs.....The people around us, make ur day....They are an integral part of ur life indeed, when it comes to them being part of ur happiness.....
I guess this is now going nowhere....yawn
Mental Note : Try and talk less.... You've probably been blind to such signs which ppl have given u b4.....Kan teredu nodu....
Monday, August 28, 2006

Well I didnt have as exciting a Sunday as Mr Kris here had but I guess this ain't too bad either :)
P.S : Still looking for the N-series ad music....
Saturday, August 26, 2006
hi how are you. i am ***censored*** working in ***some text missing*** and staying in bangalore. want to spread my network thats all. reply me if want the same.
Spiderman baddi maga ivnu.....doddadaagi bandbitta network spread madakke.....
Some men need some education.....
Spiderman baddi maga ivnu.....doddadaagi bandbitta network spread madakke.....
Some men need some education.....
Friday, August 25, 2006
The ecstasy of Gold
Cant stop man.....Cant stop reliving the adrenaline running thru my body, as everything went from wrong to right.....
The title of the post refers to a righteous piece of music created by one Mr Ennio Morricone, which padma asked me to use in the beginning of our presentation. And lo behold, the opening of the butterfly coincided with the peak of ecstasy of gold !!! That gave me goosebumps when i was watching it from the wings, and it still does, but it got amplified when the crowd applauded the effort put into the butterfly justly by dear padma again !!!!! Probably nobody else knows how much effort she has put into it, after I helped her "give the butterfly a shape" !! Please, for my sake, take a bow as u read this madam, for sheer creative imagination, hard work and talent !!
I mean I had NOT dreamt of such a beginning to our presentation, and yet it was happening and I was supposed to be on stage next !!!!
Well this being my blog, I should talk a tad more abt my own contribution.... First of all I must be honest and write here (Wats this sudden unusual spurt of honesty !?!?!) that I was quite unsettled many a times during our practice sessions and the whole music front of our show had given me quite a testing time ! Practices used to form a sinusoid, with encouraging and dismal performances following one another....A ten member group song aint no piece of raasathi..err...cake !!
But one another truth that I need to document, for my grand kids to read, is the fact that it steadily got better....the whole thing put together with tweaks here n there, i must admit, had started approaching the original song slowly but steadily.
And now we fast forward back to the present.....Lights shining, as I walk out into the wild....Yes the wild cos there were some hooligans in the crowd (no other, my friend ... no other word) !! The booing had started in full swing from our closest and bitterest rivals....And I was in no mood to be booed in my first ever stage full fledged stage performance (hard to believe...)
Mikes adjusted and ready......I remember padma telling me "When u go on stage to start raasathi, take a moment" ..How sound her advice turned out to be.....One last look back at my comrades in war ! And a breath ! And off we go....
'raasathi en usiru ennadilla (don think there were any messups)
poochchoodi vakka pattu pora pulla (Damn for the last time its Pulla and not Bulla !!!!!!)
nee poanaa en udambu mannukkulla (Small mess in mannukkulla, correctable)
raavodu sedhi varum vaadi pulla (AWWW screw it ... I cant get pulla outta me!)
raasathi en usiru ennadilla'
The booing was still going on, although my attention was diverted towards the song more....But as soon as i stopped singing my part, it caught me again and i forgot to restart singing a small part in the chorus.....That made me angry... Angry at myself for letting them distract me like that !!
So then onwards I just looked into the bright light shining into my eyes and let my testicles....tentacles...tonsils (aaha!) do their stuff !!!
There were one or two hitches, but none of them affected me any more as i thought not to think abt them....
At the end of the song, the applause was not what i expected....It caused me to bow my head and thank the crowd for recognising what we had tried ! Involuntary reaction.....
The rest of the performances.....Well I couldnt catch the one that mattered to me the most after my own song...padma's dance.....I've heard rave reviews of the dance, but one glimpse of her smiling face, that i could catch during her performance on stage, told me then and there that it didnt matter to her what happened.....Cos she was just gonna dance her heart out there ! ashte....that put a smile on my face and helped me run around for the next event........
And well....the rest as I say is history....perhaps the others didn't perform as well as we did and perhaps they did, I'm not here to judge...Probably the fact that we were first on stage helped us a little bit......But I felt it in my guts that we had done just THE right things ! And turns out we did....We won habba 2006 ! A culmination of all that I'd worked for, for around 2-3 weeks, in a few, glorious, priceless moments of ecstasy....
The ecstasy of gold !!!
The title of the post refers to a righteous piece of music created by one Mr Ennio Morricone, which padma asked me to use in the beginning of our presentation. And lo behold, the opening of the butterfly coincided with the peak of ecstasy of gold !!! That gave me goosebumps when i was watching it from the wings, and it still does, but it got amplified when the crowd applauded the effort put into the butterfly justly by dear padma again !!!!! Probably nobody else knows how much effort she has put into it, after I helped her "give the butterfly a shape" !! Please, for my sake, take a bow as u read this madam, for sheer creative imagination, hard work and talent !!
I mean I had NOT dreamt of such a beginning to our presentation, and yet it was happening and I was supposed to be on stage next !!!!
Well this being my blog, I should talk a tad more abt my own contribution.... First of all I must be honest and write here (Wats this sudden unusual spurt of honesty !?!?!) that I was quite unsettled many a times during our practice sessions and the whole music front of our show had given me quite a testing time ! Practices used to form a sinusoid, with encouraging and dismal performances following one another....A ten member group song aint no piece of raasathi..err...cake !!
But one another truth that I need to document, for my grand kids to read, is the fact that it steadily got better....the whole thing put together with tweaks here n there, i must admit, had started approaching the original song slowly but steadily.
And now we fast forward back to the present.....Lights shining, as I walk out into the wild....Yes the wild cos there were some hooligans in the crowd (no other, my friend ... no other word) !! The booing had started in full swing from our closest and bitterest rivals....And I was in no mood to be booed in my first ever stage full fledged stage performance (hard to believe...)
Mikes adjusted and ready......I remember padma telling me "When u go on stage to start raasathi, take a moment" ..How sound her advice turned out to be.....One last look back at my comrades in war ! And a breath ! And off we go....
'raasathi en usiru ennadilla (don think there were any messups)
poochchoodi vakka pattu pora pulla (Damn for the last time its Pulla and not Bulla !!!!!!)
nee poanaa en udambu mannukkulla (Small mess in mannukkulla, correctable)
raavodu sedhi varum vaadi pulla (AWWW screw it ... I cant get pulla outta me!)
raasathi en usiru ennadilla'
The booing was still going on, although my attention was diverted towards the song more....But as soon as i stopped singing my part, it caught me again and i forgot to restart singing a small part in the chorus.....That made me angry... Angry at myself for letting them distract me like that !!
So then onwards I just looked into the bright light shining into my eyes and let my testicles....tentacles...tonsils (aaha!) do their stuff !!!
There were one or two hitches, but none of them affected me any more as i thought not to think abt them....
At the end of the song, the applause was not what i expected....It caused me to bow my head and thank the crowd for recognising what we had tried ! Involuntary reaction.....
The rest of the performances.....Well I couldnt catch the one that mattered to me the most after my own song...padma's dance.....I've heard rave reviews of the dance, but one glimpse of her smiling face, that i could catch during her performance on stage, told me then and there that it didnt matter to her what happened.....Cos she was just gonna dance her heart out there ! ashte....that put a smile on my face and helped me run around for the next event........
And well....the rest as I say is history....perhaps the others didn't perform as well as we did and perhaps they did, I'm not here to judge...Probably the fact that we were first on stage helped us a little bit......But I felt it in my guts that we had done just THE right things ! And turns out we did....We won habba 2006 ! A culmination of all that I'd worked for, for around 2-3 weeks, in a few, glorious, priceless moments of ecstasy....
The ecstasy of gold !!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
When every part of one's body other than one's butt is being attacked by an angry mob of sharp rain drops, one waits for the traffic signal to change from red to green....
When one doesn't shoulder responsibility and doesn't see ur viewpoint, but has tons of ideas and suggestions and criticism to hand out to you
When others doesn't have the courage to admit their own failures/short comings
When one's activa sprays an auto driver's entire profile with "oh holy water" collected in a big puddle on the road......
Remember.........when in doubt, fuck!
When every part of one's body other than one's butt is being attacked by an angry mob of sharp rain drops, one waits for the traffic signal to change from red to green....
When one doesn't shoulder responsibility and doesn't see ur viewpoint, but has tons of ideas and suggestions and criticism to hand out to you
When others doesn't have the courage to admit their own failures/short comings
When one's activa sprays an auto driver's entire profile with "oh holy water" collected in a big puddle on the road......
Remember.........when in doubt, fuck!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Jai hanuman
Have u ever travelled in an auto rickshawh with ur hands holding on to the outer(upper) side of the roof of the auto all the time, with a tight grip?
Hmmm, its a cool ride....
Hmmm, its a cool ride....
two kinds
I always thought there were two kinds of people in this world: men who go to their deaths screaming, and men who go to their deaths in silence. Then I met the third kind...
Super scene super dialogue....
Super scene super dialogue....
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Whiskey in the jar o
Time : 10.51 pm
Date : 19th August Saturday
Oh typing is fine enuf....ok lets carry on
EPL started today pa... dono some results was out to have dinner (hee hee)
I tried to force a light bulb into a plug point and maneli current hotoytu...
So ran to electric angdi and and got hold of guy b4 thinking of anything ( cos home alone n all no...swalpa reactions are quicker and more irrational)
he brings me back home on victor two roads from the electric repair shop and tweaks the mains of the house....and asks for 30 Rs....I said fuck off u miserable oaf u disastrous money laundering scoundrel of Bangalore south, u villan daridra nan magne....In polite words and nonsense arguments of course...he left without a word
Just like the pied pipers led rats to the sea
Dance like the marionettes, swaying to the symphony .....
hee hee
Since I am all.....sentimental n all (well)..... lemme write abt a project
well two of em actually
and I have two corresponding ppl to thank for some good times and good days those projects have given me
The thing about a project is, (apart from work related ones .... yaah) in most cases u are there in the first place cos u wana do it...secondly u manassige hachkondbidtya.....So there are gonna be some days where u r made to feel miserable abt it (where ! WHERE is that vial of hemlock ?!?!) and there are some days where the creative juices just flow, the planets all align themselves favorably and shower scent on u from on top.....
Today was such a day...I really liked what i did from 2 to 6 pm today
And another day, well there were day's' actually, in another project, when everything felt right
The common thing about those two days were I dreamed.....I visualised.....I fantasized about the end result of what I was doing....And it felt better than better......
The second project is over
The first will culminate shortly.....There is also the sadness associated with this project of ppl not appreciating what u had thought of, what u had dreamed of
The sadness melts in the fire of ur thoughts and desires.....Hope I dont melt in it too......
Date : 19th August Saturday
Oh typing is fine enuf....ok lets carry on
EPL started today pa... dono some results was out to have dinner (hee hee)
I tried to force a light bulb into a plug point and maneli current hotoytu...
So ran to electric angdi and and got hold of guy b4 thinking of anything ( cos home alone n all no...swalpa reactions are quicker and more irrational)
he brings me back home on victor two roads from the electric repair shop and tweaks the mains of the house....and asks for 30 Rs....I said fuck off u miserable oaf u disastrous money laundering scoundrel of Bangalore south, u villan daridra nan magne....In polite words and nonsense arguments of course...he left without a word
Just like the pied pipers led rats to the sea
Dance like the marionettes, swaying to the symphony .....
hee hee
Since I am all.....sentimental n all (well)..... lemme write abt a project
well two of em actually
and I have two corresponding ppl to thank for some good times and good days those projects have given me
The thing about a project is, (apart from work related ones .... yaah) in most cases u are there in the first place cos u wana do it...secondly u manassige hachkondbidtya.....So there are gonna be some days where u r made to feel miserable abt it (where ! WHERE is that vial of hemlock ?!?!) and there are some days where the creative juices just flow, the planets all align themselves favorably and shower scent on u from on top.....
Today was such a day...I really liked what i did from 2 to 6 pm today
And another day, well there were day's' actually, in another project, when everything felt right
The common thing about those two days were I dreamed.....I visualised.....I fantasized about the end result of what I was doing....And it felt better than better......
The second project is over
The first will culminate shortly.....There is also the sadness associated with this project of ppl not appreciating what u had thought of, what u had dreamed of
The sadness melts in the fire of ur thoughts and desires.....Hope I dont melt in it too......
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Dil chahta hai

the last interchange between akshay and aamir, when they remeet in the hospital, is too much for me to take...excellence beyond boundaries which i could imagine...so real...But here I am to question Mr Farhan and Mr God whether what they show in DCH is true in real life ?
Akash makes the brave decision to approach his true love and justly(??) get it..
Sid moves on, after his disasterous yet out of this world (mayb even unrealistic) stint with love
Sameer ! huh ! the ideal comic touch needed with mines around in the movie...
But what about unrequited love?? It is just plain torture... Cos love isn't something that you plan, bas ho jaata hai
and to fall out of love? This is sounding too cheesy here, I'll stop.....But not before acknowledging the irony, the wicked evil irony that I have been subjected to....What goes around comes around....There's the answer to ur unrequited love.......
Kyun aisi ummeed ki maine, jo aise nakaam hui...The definition of unrequited love.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
A quote ....
A good friend of mine, who also has Financial misconceptions, was relating an incident where he mistook the bushy tail of a dog sitting in the rear seat of a car, to be the flourishing plait of a hopefully beautiful girl....
Upon being notified of the fact that the "hair" indeed belonged to a member of the Canis familiaris family, he was actually also given this quote to aggravate the shock experienced :
Ppl generally manage to find the bitch in a woman, you managed to find a woman in a bitch eh??
F ???
Needless to say I do not agree with the views expressed in italics, but what a thing to say, and that too instantaneously !!
Upon being notified of the fact that the "hair" indeed belonged to a member of the Canis familiaris family, he was actually also given this quote to aggravate the shock experienced :
Ppl generally manage to find the bitch in a woman, you managed to find a woman in a bitch eh??
F ???
Needless to say I do not agree with the views expressed in italics, but what a thing to say, and that too instantaneously !!
Strait !
murally : maga, ond prashne
Joey tribbiani : ?
murally : nin blog galu vichitra inda hididu, thought provoking and saddening aagi iratte ! any specific reason? somebody givin u a hard time?
murally : teera personal aadre, wogolow andbidu parvagilla :P
Joey tribbiani : wogolow
Joey tribbiani : :)
Thats all folks !
Bugs bunny rocks !
Joey tribbiani : ?
murally : nin blog galu vichitra inda hididu, thought provoking and saddening aagi iratte ! any specific reason? somebody givin u a hard time?
murally : teera personal aadre, wogolow andbidu parvagilla :P
Joey tribbiani : wogolow
Joey tribbiani : :)
Thats all folks !
Bugs bunny rocks !
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Reminiscent -> helpless -> despair -> WHY!?! -> Hope......
The perfect cycle......
Not interested in lyrics??!! SHOO SHOO !!!!
Sheets of empty canvas
Untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me
As her body once did
All five horizons
Revolved around her soul
As the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed
Has taken a turn
Ooh and all I taught her was everything
Ooh I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands
Chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything
Oh the pictures have
All been washed in black
Tattooed everything
I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by
Some kids at play
I can feel their laughter
So why do I sear
Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin
Round my head
I'm spinning
Oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can, drop away...
And now my bitter hands
Cradle broken glass
Of what was everything
All the pictures had
All been washed in black
Tattooed everything
All the love gone bad
Turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see
All that I am
All I'll be...
Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a sun
In somebody else's sky
But why
Why can't it be
Why can't it be mine
(not sure?)
mm-hmm no yeah no
mm mmmm no nonono yeah yeah
we belong
we belong together
oooh ooh
we belong
we belong together
oh yeah
The perfect cycle......
Not interested in lyrics??!! SHOO SHOO !!!!
Sheets of empty canvas
Untouched sheets of clay
Were laid spread out before me
As her body once did
All five horizons
Revolved around her soul
As the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed
Has taken a turn
Ooh and all I taught her was everything
Ooh I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands
Chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything
Oh the pictures have
All been washed in black
Tattooed everything
I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by
Some kids at play
I can feel their laughter
So why do I sear
Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin
Round my head
I'm spinning
Oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can, drop away...
And now my bitter hands
Cradle broken glass
Of what was everything
All the pictures had
All been washed in black
Tattooed everything
All the love gone bad
Turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see
All that I am
All I'll be...
Uh huh...uh huh...ooh...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a sun
In somebody else's sky
But why
Why can't it be
Why can't it be mine
(not sure?)
mm-hmm no yeah no
mm mmmm no nonono yeah yeah
we belong
we belong together
oooh ooh
we belong
we belong together
oh yeah
Monday, August 07, 2006
Serious Physical harm
.....of great magnitude would be inflicted upon the creator of the following forward, were he/she to cross my path now.......
What the fuck do some ppl think guys are eh?? Fucking piece of shit...
Just a friend
Well, you are like a show piece in my house. I will call you whenever I
need you. If you call me home the chances are 9 out of 10 times she
might say, "Oh Rahul, I am going out can you call me after 2 days??"
Rahul: "Where are you going Shilpa??"
Shilpa: "None of your business" and bangs the phone. (Useless fellow.
Good Friend
You are like a TV remote control. I need you and I know that. But I try
using you when I really need you.
Rahul calls: "Hi Shilpa",
Shilpa: "Hi Rahul. I am going out with family I will call you back. Bye"
(Shilpa calls back after two days)
Shilpa: "What do you want Rahul? Why did you call that day?".
Rahul: "Generally".
Shilpa: "Oh ok. I got to go out. Will call you later. Bye."
Will call when she needs lecture notes or some concert tickets.
Very good friend
Well you are like the pressure cooker safety value for the girl. She
will need you when she wants to bring out her pain or anger on someone.
Basically, she wants to talk to you. And you are special to her.
Shilpa: "You know Rahul, Shekhar is not eating. He doesn't sleep and is
not able to concentrate on his studies. I think he doesn't like me
anymore. And yesterday I saw him with another girl".
Rahul: "Who is Shekhar??"
Shilpa : "My boyfriend."
Rahul: Oh! ok. :-(
Best Friend
You are like the auto rickshaw driver. She can't live without you. And
don't be mistaken. You are not her boyfriend. But you are allowed to
take her little doggie around the park so that he (not you!) can do
poo-poo. Rahul Shopping. Rahul Movie. Rahul Coffee. Rahul, you pay. I am
having fun. Rahul is now sure that he should go ahead and propose. He
Shilpa: "But I thought we were just friends. We should remain friends
Rahul. Plus, I have a boy friend you know that."
Rahul: What?? (Rahul drinks all night).
Best of the Bestest Friends
Ok now you are really special. You are
dad-cum-boyfriend-cum-brother-cum-everything. Ultimately you are the
darling servant of the girl. You take her around. You make her project.
You do her assignments. You are allowed to take her doggie around. You
can hold hands on the beach. You can see the sun set with her (because
she wants to do everything she drags you along). But but but... don't be
mistaken. She has a boyfriend who works for a huge software company and
earns 3 time the salary you earn and has a flat in Poes Garden or Boat
Club or Hiranandani area.
Shilpa: "Hi Rahul. I am getting engaged to Shekhar. Shekhar this is
Rahul, he is my bestest friend".
Rahul: Hi Shekhar. (Hand shake. Shekhar breaks Rahul's wrist).
Rahul is now heart broken and wrist broken.
Uh... No comments dude. You're already screwed.
True Right?
What the fuck do some ppl think guys are eh?? Fucking piece of shit...
Just a friend
Well, you are like a show piece in my house. I will call you whenever I
need you. If you call me home the chances are 9 out of 10 times she
might say, "Oh Rahul, I am going out can you call me after 2 days??"
Rahul: "Where are you going Shilpa??"
Shilpa: "None of your business" and bangs the phone. (Useless fellow.
Good Friend
You are like a TV remote control. I need you and I know that. But I try
using you when I really need you.
Rahul calls: "Hi Shilpa",
Shilpa: "Hi Rahul. I am going out with family I will call you back. Bye"
(Shilpa calls back after two days)
Shilpa: "What do you want Rahul? Why did you call that day?".
Rahul: "Generally".
Shilpa: "Oh ok. I got to go out. Will call you later. Bye."
Will call when she needs lecture notes or some concert tickets.
Very good friend
Well you are like the pressure cooker safety value for the girl. She
will need you when she wants to bring out her pain or anger on someone.
Basically, she wants to talk to you. And you are special to her.
Shilpa: "You know Rahul, Shekhar is not eating. He doesn't sleep and is
not able to concentrate on his studies. I think he doesn't like me
anymore. And yesterday I saw him with another girl".
Rahul: "Who is Shekhar??"
Shilpa : "My boyfriend."
Rahul: Oh! ok. :-(
Best Friend
You are like the auto rickshaw driver. She can't live without you. And
don't be mistaken. You are not her boyfriend. But you are allowed to
take her little doggie around the park so that he (not you!) can do
poo-poo. Rahul Shopping. Rahul Movie. Rahul Coffee. Rahul, you pay. I am
having fun. Rahul is now sure that he should go ahead and propose. He
Shilpa: "But I thought we were just friends. We should remain friends
Rahul. Plus, I have a boy friend you know that."
Rahul: What?? (Rahul drinks all night).
Best of the Bestest Friends
Ok now you are really special. You are
dad-cum-boyfriend-cum-brother-cum-everything. Ultimately you are the
darling servant of the girl. You take her around. You make her project.
You do her assignments. You are allowed to take her doggie around. You
can hold hands on the beach. You can see the sun set with her (because
she wants to do everything she drags you along). But but but... don't be
mistaken. She has a boyfriend who works for a huge software company and
earns 3 time the salary you earn and has a flat in Poes Garden or Boat
Club or Hiranandani area.
Shilpa: "Hi Rahul. I am getting engaged to Shekhar. Shekhar this is
Rahul, he is my bestest friend".
Rahul: Hi Shekhar. (Hand shake. Shekhar breaks Rahul's wrist).
Rahul is now heart broken and wrist broken.
Uh... No comments dude. You're already screwed.
True Right?
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Adhoori saans thi
Dhadkan adhoori thi
adhoore hai hum
magar ab chaand poora hai falak(sky) pe
najaane kab poore honge hum.........
Dhadkan adhoori thi
adhoore hai hum
magar ab chaand poora hai falak(sky) pe
najaane kab poore honge hum.........
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
STUPID. This is a word used for broad spectrum denigration. But when a discerning text uses its Sanskrit equivalent -- moodha or moorkha -- an exploration is in order. The Gita qualifies it as reverse perception -- to draw conclusions contrary to the logic of reasoning is to be plain stupid.
Homo sapiens are expected to think first, think straight, then decide and act. Most of us would like to be persuaded that we do. And yet...
Let us take things that can give us happiness. -- a juicy list of bank balances, exciting projects, farm villas, delectable food, company or music, plum postings. But that vice-chancellorship for which I lobbied became vapid when my collegaue bagged a gubernatorial assignment and the long awaited cruise in the Caribbean turned out to be an unmitigated curse since I kept throwing up.
Fulfilled desires often do not leep their part of the bargain and bring joy as they expected, or that joy evaporates much too soon -- making the appetite turn to fresh desires adn fresher frustrations. To depend on desires for happiness seems a ver dicey proposition. Worse, innumerable variables of the world then control my happiness and lord it over me.
A closer look at the bilateral dynamics between me and the object of my desire may help. If happiness is not in the object then, logically, the only other locus for it can be me, myself. It is MY quality that I bounce off the exhibits of the world and call it happiness acquired; nothing can give me happiness. Logically, thus, happiness is not acquired, it is my own self, my own nature( that is why I am uncomfortable being unhappy). The world only offers pegs to hang it on. I can decide to festoon every peg in sight and make life a royal celebration.
To deny this logic and to feel dependant on anything for happiness is a reversal of logical understanding, and hence "stupid"; to beg for happiness from the world and its paraphernalia would be stupider still, and to make one's life acquisition-centric turns out to be stupidity par excellence.
Stupidity, thus, indicates terminology of discernment, highlighting risks that threaten our status as human beingts -- for having been provided with intellect, the option of stupidity is not open to us !
Homo sapiens are expected to think first, think straight, then decide and act. Most of us would like to be persuaded that we do. And yet...
Let us take things that can give us happiness. -- a juicy list of bank balances, exciting projects, farm villas, delectable food, company or music, plum postings. But that vice-chancellorship for which I lobbied became vapid when my collegaue bagged a gubernatorial assignment and the long awaited cruise in the Caribbean turned out to be an unmitigated curse since I kept throwing up.
Fulfilled desires often do not leep their part of the bargain and bring joy as they expected, or that joy evaporates much too soon -- making the appetite turn to fresh desires adn fresher frustrations. To depend on desires for happiness seems a ver dicey proposition. Worse, innumerable variables of the world then control my happiness and lord it over me.
A closer look at the bilateral dynamics between me and the object of my desire may help. If happiness is not in the object then, logically, the only other locus for it can be me, myself. It is MY quality that I bounce off the exhibits of the world and call it happiness acquired; nothing can give me happiness. Logically, thus, happiness is not acquired, it is my own self, my own nature( that is why I am uncomfortable being unhappy). The world only offers pegs to hang it on. I can decide to festoon every peg in sight and make life a royal celebration.
To deny this logic and to feel dependant on anything for happiness is a reversal of logical understanding, and hence "stupid"; to beg for happiness from the world and its paraphernalia would be stupider still, and to make one's life acquisition-centric turns out to be stupidity par excellence.
Stupidity, thus, indicates terminology of discernment, highlighting risks that threaten our status as human beingts -- for having been provided with intellect, the option of stupidity is not open to us !
Friday, July 28, 2006
Married women
Married women are cute
(no no)
Some married women are cute
(no no)
Some married women who have small kids are cute !
(no no)
Some married women are cute
(no no)
Some married women who have small kids are cute !
Microsoft will guide you home...
Site : google.com
Search phrase : Fix you tabs
Two of the results :
FIX: You may experience unexpected behavior when you press TAB or ...
Fixes an issue where keystrokes and mouse activity may not work as expected when you use the Show method in a COM client application to create an instance ...support.microsoft.com/kb/885446/ - Similar pages
FIX: You receive a "Page cannot be displayed" error message in ...
FIX: You receive a "Page cannot be displayed" error message in Internet ... To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the ...support.microsoft.com/kb/884534/ - Similar pages[ More results from support.microsoft.com ]
These are new chords that I dont know....Advanced guitar tabs from Microsoft....
Search phrase : Fix you tabs
Two of the results :
FIX: You may experience unexpected behavior when you press TAB or ...
Fixes an issue where keystrokes and mouse activity may not work as expected when you use the Show method in a COM client application to create an instance ...support.microsoft.com/kb/885446/ - Similar pages
FIX: You receive a "Page cannot be displayed" error message in ...
FIX: You receive a "Page cannot be displayed" error message in Internet ... To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the ...support.microsoft.com/kb/884534/ - Similar pages[ More results from support.microsoft.com ]
These are new chords that I dont know....Advanced guitar tabs from Microsoft....
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Shivraj kumaaru kissige damaaru !!
Welcome friends to an outright movie review of mine....This post will talk about nothing else but the movie Om, which after religiously and illegally bunking office I managed to catch with my dosts (who wish to remain unnamed :P ), in a rather acoustically exuberant theater called nalanda.
This was a movie which had fascinated me some ten years ago, when my brother and his friends who had watched it had described it to me. Basically they managed to create a picture of the movie that it was a bad, wicked radikaal movie ! And since then I have wanted to watch it.....
And as I was perusing thru the daily news paper, lo behold ! Its here in Bangalore and playing ! Instant "sketches" start forming in my head..... I decide that I HAVE to watch it this time.... Had been tryin to get a cd of Om for a long time too...
So we finally make it to the 4.30 show and movie has already started. Following points abt movie are noteworthy
1. How amazing and bold and unique it was for its time
2. How powerfully the concept of love has been shown
3. How well, the capabilities of a woman and the weaknesses of a man have been depicted.
4. Cunning symbolism
5. Some typical upendra like dialogues, with a sting
6. Good casting and damn good acting by Mr Shiv raj
I think I am done...Most boring blog to date?
Welcome friends to an outright movie review of mine....This post will talk about nothing else but the movie Om, which after religiously and illegally bunking office I managed to catch with my dosts (who wish to remain unnamed :P ), in a rather acoustically exuberant theater called nalanda.
This was a movie which had fascinated me some ten years ago, when my brother and his friends who had watched it had described it to me. Basically they managed to create a picture of the movie that it was a bad, wicked radikaal movie ! And since then I have wanted to watch it.....
And as I was perusing thru the daily news paper, lo behold ! Its here in Bangalore and playing ! Instant "sketches" start forming in my head..... I decide that I HAVE to watch it this time.... Had been tryin to get a cd of Om for a long time too...
So we finally make it to the 4.30 show and movie has already started. Following points abt movie are noteworthy
1. How amazing and bold and unique it was for its time
2. How powerfully the concept of love has been shown
3. How well, the capabilities of a woman and the weaknesses of a man have been depicted.
4. Cunning symbolism
5. Some typical upendra like dialogues, with a sting
6. Good casting and damn good acting by Mr Shiv raj
I think I am done...Most boring blog to date?
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
enidu ah?
The loneliness of the long distance runner
A cold shower is something that can be effectively deployed to tackle a staggering , unwillingtogotooffice young budding software engineer....
That he ends up with a headache and higher levels of drowsiness is just a joincidence (coincidence with a j)
The clever chap then proceeds to act in a 'laissez faire' manner, allowing procedings (events in the day, time, ppl etc etc) to wash over him as he stands in the sand with his feet buried in the shea sore...
Waves over waves hit him everywhere.....but the ingenious bloke has buried his feet what? He is impervious to the kinetic energy !
Of course his ipod got washed away, in the second wave, into oblivion..........
That he ends up with a headache and higher levels of drowsiness is just a joincidence (coincidence with a j)
The clever chap then proceeds to act in a 'laissez faire' manner, allowing procedings (events in the day, time, ppl etc etc) to wash over him as he stands in the sand with his feet buried in the shea sore...
Waves over waves hit him everywhere.....but the ingenious bloke has buried his feet what? He is impervious to the kinetic energy !
Of course his ipod got washed away, in the second wave, into oblivion..........
Sunday, July 23, 2006
psychedelic libraries?
There sits on C:\, on my comp, as we speak a file called "Pink Floyd.dll"
Not sure what it does....
Not sure what it does....
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wonderful "little" things they are !
Serve so many purposes, what? You are writing a mail, you wanna sound cool and wanto dominate, you throw in a good ol "AFAIK" and lo behold, all readers are in awe of u ...
You want to express anger, disbelief etc etc ?!? You just say "WTF!!!???" ... you are spared from using the F word eh, but equally effective...
And there are members of the gentler sex(hengsru) around, and you want to say something gross, obscene or controversial, well ppl have used their creative juices in this domain too.....For example, "maga monne en KLPD aaythu gotta...." might usually leave members of the fairer sex going "eh?!" ... That there exist some exceptions to this, just means that females mite resort to blackmail, extortion, bribery to extract such valuable info....And their success lies in the fact that us men are weak to their methods, not in the ingenuity of the algorithm used
Of course, the IT world has enough of these acronyms to make a hotel menu out of it....... "I'm working in the OVSPI division in TFI project....Recently there was a GIR team meeting to discuss this year's FPR output for OVNM"
They just sound cool don they ??? :P
Serve so many purposes, what? You are writing a mail, you wanna sound cool and wanto dominate, you throw in a good ol "AFAIK" and lo behold, all readers are in awe of u ...
You want to express anger, disbelief etc etc ?!? You just say "WTF!!!???" ... you are spared from using the F word eh, but equally effective...
And there are members of the gentler sex(hengsru) around, and you want to say something gross, obscene or controversial, well ppl have used their creative juices in this domain too.....For example, "maga monne en KLPD aaythu gotta...." might usually leave members of the fairer sex going "eh?!" ... That there exist some exceptions to this, just means that females mite resort to blackmail, extortion, bribery to extract such valuable info....And their success lies in the fact that us men are weak to their methods, not in the ingenuity of the algorithm used
Of course, the IT world has enough of these acronyms to make a hotel menu out of it....... "I'm working in the OVSPI division in TFI project....Recently there was a GIR team meeting to discuss this year's FPR output for OVNM"
They just sound cool don they ??? :P
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Could it be....
....that a memory could cause u equal amounts of happiness and sadness?
The naming of this webpage as a pensieve is finally justified. You see, Professor Dumbledore (hogwarts ( harry's (of harry potter fame) school ) headmaster) used it to store away memories when he felt that he had too much in his mind to think about....It was also a store for important memories which needed storage and could be recalled at will, at ease...
".....the lawn......a huge screen.........dosts around........stalls......events......not too many ppl in the western music stall.......DC going on.......some song played, which i heard for the first time in the western music thingy....."
(hazy till now i agree....the mind is a hard thing to harness.....some clarity follows)
".....sitting with legs stretched out supported by my palms behind me....one homo sapien beside me......one in front......a popular song starts on stage.....cultural night.....the last such thing i can legally attend...
Its popular and one of my favs.....I cant help it......I start humming it...before i know it I am into a full blown rendition of the melody......the speakers are good, they cancel out my singing, but not completely cos the homo sapien(s) around me can hear me alrite.....the one in front, in some context says, 'I was listening to U sing' ........"
ashte thats the memory
This memory cannot be forced out of my head.....presently It might be required of/from me to remove other things and tolerate others, but this one wont go......just in case it is made to, I have a backup here
The naming of this webpage as a pensieve is finally justified. You see, Professor Dumbledore (hogwarts ( harry's (of harry potter fame) school ) headmaster) used it to store away memories when he felt that he had too much in his mind to think about....It was also a store for important memories which needed storage and could be recalled at will, at ease...
".....the lawn......a huge screen.........dosts around........stalls......events......not too many ppl in the western music stall.......DC going on.......some song played, which i heard for the first time in the western music thingy....."
(hazy till now i agree....the mind is a hard thing to harness.....some clarity follows)
".....sitting with legs stretched out supported by my palms behind me....one homo sapien beside me......one in front......a popular song starts on stage.....cultural night.....the last such thing i can legally attend...
Its popular and one of my favs.....I cant help it......I start humming it...before i know it I am into a full blown rendition of the melody......the speakers are good, they cancel out my singing, but not completely cos the homo sapien(s) around me can hear me alrite.....the one in front, in some context says, 'I was listening to U sing' ........"
ashte thats the memory
This memory cannot be forced out of my head.....presently It might be required of/from me to remove other things and tolerate others, but this one wont go......just in case it is made to, I have a backup here
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Jab dard nahi tha seene mein
To khaak mazaa tha jeene mein
Ab ke shaayad hum bhi roye
Saavan ke mahine mein
As most of you dont know, I was recently queried about my masochistic tendencies... Concisely put, the previous sentence meant taht i was called a masochist (am not posting its meaning here...work for me a lil bit)
well, an interesting topic in itself pain is, we are here to talk about masochism a lil bit.... Just because somebody empathises with a situation and appreciates such poetic beauty created by pain, duzn mean that he/she is a masochist....
How do ppl express/relieve themselves pain/sadness anyways? By drinking? By keeping it inside? By writing poetry? (aaaaaaaaahha!) By smashing things? Thru anger? Hmmm Just a list
Well recently I've been robbed of reason sometimes.....My friends causing me some distress recently by being unreasonable or without a reason, without a reasonable answer.... Well the more I get that, the more I am forced to do an internal .l.. to them and their affairs slowly, for my own well being and health....
Iam basically not a "I don't care" person....I am usually not rude..... That doesnt mean I cant develop those talents
Hey you! Don't make me develop those talents.....Don't take things for granted....Don't push the wrong buttons and end up losing a friend.......
To khaak mazaa tha jeene mein
Ab ke shaayad hum bhi roye
Saavan ke mahine mein
As most of you dont know, I was recently queried about my masochistic tendencies... Concisely put, the previous sentence meant taht i was called a masochist (am not posting its meaning here...work for me a lil bit)
well, an interesting topic in itself pain is, we are here to talk about masochism a lil bit.... Just because somebody empathises with a situation and appreciates such poetic beauty created by pain, duzn mean that he/she is a masochist....
How do ppl express/relieve themselves pain/sadness anyways? By drinking? By keeping it inside? By writing poetry? (aaaaaaaaahha!) By smashing things? Thru anger? Hmmm Just a list
Well recently I've been robbed of reason sometimes.....My friends causing me some distress recently by being unreasonable or without a reason, without a reasonable answer.... Well the more I get that, the more I am forced to do an internal .l.. to them and their affairs slowly, for my own well being and health....
Iam basically not a "I don't care" person....I am usually not rude..... That doesnt mean I cant develop those talents
Hey you! Don't make me develop those talents.....Don't take things for granted....Don't push the wrong buttons and end up losing a friend.......
Monday, July 10, 2006
Siyahiyon se ulajh padti hai.....
How freaky is it to wake up with a song running in your head, and come downstairs to the kitchen to have coffee only to have the same bloody song playing on the radio !!!!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Kyun hamen maut ke paigham(message) diye jaate hain
Ye saza kam to nahin hai ke jiye jaate hain ?!?!
nashaa dono main hai saaqi(female bartender) mujhe gham de ya sharaab
mai(wine) bhi pi jaati hai aasun bhi piye jaate hain
Zindagi apni kashaakash(struggle) mein guzarti hain shamim
ji nahin chahta jeene ko jiye jaate hain (!!!!)
Ye saza kam to nahin hai ke jiye jaate hain ?!?!
nashaa dono main hai saaqi(female bartender) mujhe gham de ya sharaab
mai(wine) bhi pi jaati hai aasun bhi piye jaate hain
Zindagi apni kashaakash(struggle) mein guzarti hain shamim
ji nahin chahta jeene ko jiye jaate hain (!!!!)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
"an abnormal absorption with the self; marked by communication disorders and short attention span and inability to treat others as people"
Asperger's syndrome
"...is characterized by normal intelligence and language development, but deficiencies in social and communication skills..."
This is a movie review, of sorts
Bleary eyed as i managed to stay awake and attempted to watch the semi finals italy vs germany, the pace of the match made me shift focus to other channels.... On start movies was on, a weird looking movie.... Decided to pursue it cos i saw Radha Mitchell, a good lookin babe of sorts.... Then entered Josh hartnett, the only other movie of whom i've seen is 40 days 40 nights... This movie, as i later found out is called Mozart and the Whale, is about the topics i've listed above.. Although autism to many ppl rings a bell about One mr Dustin Hoffman and the movee Rainman, i must say this movie definitely portrayed an interesting scenario with interesting characters.....
What do you get when you throw two people "suffering" (controversial word) from autism into a relationship?!? You get a situation, where the girl says to the guy in a scene "Hey cmon its all about sex now !" ... The girl is apparently devoid of a censor in her mind.... She says what she feels (So not me..... My feelings shall from now on not be posted here, to trouble my devoted readers.... Lets just say my feelings have found another refuge, a s'e-'cret place.... )
Hartnett, who played the comic, loverboy in 40 days 40 nights, gives a good performance. That i woke up after watching this movie, is partly due to his performance and partly due to the fact that i started thinking abt how autism/Asperger's syndrome affects ppl and how close normal ppl (like me) are to being autists (dono if its the right usage) !!
gham-e-hasti khareedne walo, maut sasti hai log kehte hai
Phew ! I finally found out what this means..... This means "oh ppl who are looking to buy a sadness filled life, it seems death is cheap enough...."
Devre!?!? ankonde
Asperger's syndrome
"...is characterized by normal intelligence and language development, but deficiencies in social and communication skills..."
This is a movie review, of sorts
Bleary eyed as i managed to stay awake and attempted to watch the semi finals italy vs germany, the pace of the match made me shift focus to other channels.... On start movies was on, a weird looking movie.... Decided to pursue it cos i saw Radha Mitchell, a good lookin babe of sorts.... Then entered Josh hartnett, the only other movie of whom i've seen is 40 days 40 nights... This movie, as i later found out is called Mozart and the Whale, is about the topics i've listed above.. Although autism to many ppl rings a bell about One mr Dustin Hoffman and the movee Rainman, i must say this movie definitely portrayed an interesting scenario with interesting characters.....
What do you get when you throw two people "suffering" (controversial word) from autism into a relationship?!? You get a situation, where the girl says to the guy in a scene "Hey cmon its all about sex now !" ... The girl is apparently devoid of a censor in her mind.... She says what she feels (So not me..... My feelings shall from now on not be posted here, to trouble my devoted readers.... Lets just say my feelings have found another refuge, a s'e-'cret place.... )
Hartnett, who played the comic, loverboy in 40 days 40 nights, gives a good performance. That i woke up after watching this movie, is partly due to his performance and partly due to the fact that i started thinking abt how autism/Asperger's syndrome affects ppl and how close normal ppl (like me) are to being autists (dono if its the right usage) !!
gham-e-hasti khareedne walo, maut sasti hai log kehte hai
Phew ! I finally found out what this means..... This means "oh ppl who are looking to buy a sadness filled life, it seems death is cheap enough...."
Devre!?!? ankonde
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I did a blow job on my one year old candle
Nothing/nobody came on me
02:01PM S, Muralidhar : ivatthu nange TQ* nalli ond varsha aaytu, adikke vedanta hodita ideeni
02:03PM bekku mari: hey cool
02:03PM bekku mari:
02:03PM S, Muralidhar : yeah
02:03PM bekku mari: like I told Ronaldinho*
02:03PM bekku mari: I won't congratulate u
02:03PM bekku mari: coz it's demeaning
02:03PM S, Muralidhar : why so?
02:04PM bekku mari: as if somebody'd throw u out
* - DUmb substitutions to avoid name taking and finger pointing
Wait.... I am pointing a finger right?...........
Nothing/nobody came on me
02:01PM S, Muralidhar : ivatthu nange TQ* nalli ond varsha aaytu, adikke vedanta hodita ideeni
02:03PM bekku mari: hey cool
02:03PM bekku mari:
02:03PM S, Muralidhar : yeah
02:03PM bekku mari: like I told Ronaldinho*
02:03PM bekku mari: I won't congratulate u
02:03PM bekku mari: coz it's demeaning
02:03PM S, Muralidhar : why so?
02:04PM bekku mari: as if somebody'd throw u out
* - DUmb substitutions to avoid name taking and finger pointing
Wait.... I am pointing a finger right?...........
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Vivid enough....
It was a sunny afternoon, somewhere in the depths of south bangalore, lay a much much younger ally, on his bed lazing away, thinking happily and peacefully of the time about to pass through him, as he would leave to play cricket with his cronies..... It was all perfect..... The class had finished at the right time and he had gotten home at the right enough time and the sun was intense enough to stimulate the players but enough to relieve the minds of the sportsmen of any chance of rain squashing their hopes........
Ah how could i forget?? He was listening, also, to radio city, the hip hep and happening music station recently launched, on a stereo which his bro won in a music competition with great aplomb !! With sun rays sauntering thru the half open window of his room, the dj announced some song (ally didnt care which one...he was in a blissful state already remember??) and it started
Thats it !! Captivated is one word to be definitely used...Ally wasnt rock aware then, poor boy.....He was thoroughly and completely compelled to surrender to the song, that ethereal mystical melodious piece of art which meddled with his senses (coupled with the sun rays....ah what a scene !! ). Alas ! He had not paid enough attention to listen to the song's name....He pleaded and implored with his "rockin" friends, to help him to reunite him with it.....it had something to do with heaven, an angel, god, something like that....he hadnt grasped the lyrics
well either ! oh no what to do....
Its quite a while later, Ally has a guitar in his hand and he is one with that elusive song alrite ! But now he has set his sights higher.....To reproduce it ! And as he looks at the tabs, the guitar work exhibited by the scorpions in the making of send me an angel, he only wonders..... As to how such beauty is even created........
I will always remember my first rock song..........
Ah how could i forget?? He was listening, also, to radio city, the hip hep and happening music station recently launched, on a stereo which his bro won in a music competition with great aplomb !! With sun rays sauntering thru the half open window of his room, the dj announced some song (ally didnt care which one...he was in a blissful state already remember??) and it started
Thats it !! Captivated is one word to be definitely used...Ally wasnt rock aware then, poor boy.....He was thoroughly and completely compelled to surrender to the song, that ethereal mystical melodious piece of art which meddled with his senses (coupled with the sun rays....ah what a scene !! ). Alas ! He had not paid enough attention to listen to the song's name....He pleaded and implored with his "rockin" friends, to help him to reunite him with it.....it had something to do with heaven, an angel, god, something like that....he hadnt grasped the lyrics
well either ! oh no what to do....
Its quite a while later, Ally has a guitar in his hand and he is one with that elusive song alrite ! But now he has set his sights higher.....To reproduce it ! And as he looks at the tabs, the guitar work exhibited by the scorpions in the making of send me an angel, he only wonders..... As to how such beauty is even created........
I will always remember my first rock song..........
Monday, June 26, 2006
...his is The CopyRight of Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah Lyrics belongs to the writer or performer of Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah any copyin......
i heard there was a secret chord
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you
well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
the minor fall and the major lift
the baffled king composing hallelujah
well your faith was strong but you needed proof
you saw her bathing on the roof
her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
she tied you to her kitchen chair
she broke your throne and she cut your hair
and from your lips she drew the hallelujah
baby i've been here before
i've seen this room and i've walked this floor
i used to live alone before i knew you
i've seen your flag on the marble arch
but love is not a victory march
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah
well there was a time when you let me know
what's really going on below
but now you never show that to me do you
but remember when i moved in you
and the holy dove was moving too
and every breath we drew was hallelujah
well, maybe there's a god above
but all i've ever learned from love
was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
it's not a cry that you hear at night
it's not somebody who's seen the light
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah
that david played and it pleased the lord
but you don't really care for music, do you
well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
the minor fall and the major lift
the baffled king composing hallelujah
well your faith was strong but you needed proof
you saw her bathing on the roof
her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
she tied you to her kitchen chair
she broke your throne and she cut your hair
and from your lips she drew the hallelujah
baby i've been here before
i've seen this room and i've walked this floor
i used to live alone before i knew you
i've seen your flag on the marble arch
but love is not a victory march
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah
well there was a time when you let me know
what's really going on below
but now you never show that to me do you
but remember when i moved in you
and the holy dove was moving too
and every breath we drew was hallelujah
well, maybe there's a god above
but all i've ever learned from love
was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
it's not a cry that you hear at night
it's not somebody who's seen the light
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
self Floccinaucinihilipilification
(Fade to black running in excessive volume)
I do not know why this bloody number is given so much importance.....
"Cmere hey ! Hey!!
That's Rachel....she's the one who used to live here
Might as well be honest with you....we love her
But we cant have her
I really miss her"
- Joey to a shaggy dog
My hundredth post......The centurion
I would like to blame the ppl who caused me to write this blog in the first place, for it to have reached such a "golden" state.........How dare you mess with my life???!?! (Griz is already going bonkers by now reading all this)
Especially you, you, you and you of course you bitch !
By this time, my faithful readers will have ascertained and or or or and or and or guessed (correctly) that mr li's ( that is me) joie de vivre is at an alltime low......
As my mind floats between homely issues, officely issues and other issues (there always HAVE to be some issues pah! ) and i land on the thought focused on confirming that query of yours (stated above), I will say the following words : "That bitch shudnt have....huh? what?! Oh yeah...yes yes you are right"
Being a man
Recently I learnt that men have higher powers of controlling their emotions and not brooding about something and not making a big deal of something......They also are, apparently, lucky to be born as men ! Cos they have so many advantages ante !! I've also heard men being portrayed as almost close to heartless creatures (not possessing the ability to feel much)
The line that punched me aka the punch line ---->
I was also told recently to "control my feelings and be a man"
"........He looked at her as she carried on doing her usual work, her typing and gathering her stuff as she prepared to leave for lunch..... HOW ?! How could she not understand what went on in his mind? Inside his heart?! Cos if she knew, then it would seem miraculous, her words and her actions.....But then again, his emotions were not of an ordinary nature were they? Some would call them foolish, but he couldn't help being, thinking ...... FEELING the way he felt..... And caught between his feelings/desire and reality, which sadly were in conflict in his case, and painfully aware of both but not at the same time (AAHA!), he toiled.....he continued to toil
.....And as he thought of how the words, the exact same words above could someday make good reading material to some ppl, he came out of his evening based reverie and thought again abt that sharp pain in his heart/chest...... And focused again on his work.....Without success, needless to say................"
To live is to die playing now..............Just pierces you, nothing short, that song does, especially the slow part in the middle !
Ashte .... saakaythu, saturation
Turn the page murali
Malko hogu muchkondu....
I do not know why this bloody number is given so much importance.....
"Cmere hey ! Hey!!
That's Rachel....she's the one who used to live here
Might as well be honest with you....we love her
But we cant have her
I really miss her"
- Joey to a shaggy dog
My hundredth post......The centurion
I would like to blame the ppl who caused me to write this blog in the first place, for it to have reached such a "golden" state.........How dare you mess with my life???!?! (Griz is already going bonkers by now reading all this)
Especially you, you, you and you of course you bitch !
By this time, my faithful readers will have ascertained and or or or and or and or guessed (correctly) that mr li's ( that is me) joie de vivre is at an alltime low......
As my mind floats between homely issues, officely issues and other issues (there always HAVE to be some issues pah! ) and i land on the thought focused on confirming that query of yours (stated above), I will say the following words : "That bitch shudnt have....huh? what?! Oh yeah...yes yes you are right"
Being a man
Recently I learnt that men have higher powers of controlling their emotions and not brooding about something and not making a big deal of something......They also are, apparently, lucky to be born as men ! Cos they have so many advantages ante !! I've also heard men being portrayed as almost close to heartless creatures (not possessing the ability to feel much)
The line that punched me aka the punch line ---->
I was also told recently to "control my feelings and be a man"
"........He looked at her as she carried on doing her usual work, her typing and gathering her stuff as she prepared to leave for lunch..... HOW ?! How could she not understand what went on in his mind? Inside his heart?! Cos if she knew, then it would seem miraculous, her words and her actions.....But then again, his emotions were not of an ordinary nature were they? Some would call them foolish, but he couldn't help being, thinking ...... FEELING the way he felt..... And caught between his feelings/desire and reality, which sadly were in conflict in his case, and painfully aware of both but not at the same time (AAHA!), he toiled.....he continued to toil
.....And as he thought of how the words, the exact same words above could someday make good reading material to some ppl, he came out of his evening based reverie and thought again abt that sharp pain in his heart/chest...... And focused again on his work.....Without success, needless to say................"
To live is to die playing now..............Just pierces you, nothing short, that song does, especially the slow part in the middle !
Ashte .... saakaythu, saturation
Turn the page murali
Malko hogu muchkondu....
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
No time to think abt subjects n all
Wise man once said "Know your role and shut your mouth, jebroni!"
Hear hear ! I'd pay to have that repeat in the innards of my inner brain forever for some time(contradiction kaansta?)......
Rudity ginta, ninage indu sikkida ondu vaakya, adrallidda nija ninnanna chakita golisithu magane ! tathaasthu anta devaru kotta vara anta muchkondu itko ! ninge olledu.......
I ate mangoes of my house today !! For the uninitiated, there groweth a mango tree in the back of my house's backside....... We, thru learned sources, found out that by plucking the fruits in the kaayi stage, and storing them in baskets filled with hullu, the fruits will ripen and we shall be able to enjoy successfully and ably the sweet old mango king of all fruits
All kidding aside, the one person whose facial expression and gleam in the e.(this is wodehouse style....he just cant write "eye" there....he has to write e.) just are inescapable and non-erasable from my head is my good ol bro ! how he would've liked to get his molars and canines into one of these juicy babies, only him and me know (Padma, is THIS right english?!?!?!?)
A toast to you, oh brother, every mango vaate i squish and squeeze from now on shall be in ur name !!
Wise man once said "Know your role and shut your mouth, jebroni!"
Hear hear ! I'd pay to have that repeat in the innards of my inner brain forever for some time(contradiction kaansta?)......
Rudity ginta, ninage indu sikkida ondu vaakya, adrallidda nija ninnanna chakita golisithu magane ! tathaasthu anta devaru kotta vara anta muchkondu itko ! ninge olledu.......
I ate mangoes of my house today !! For the uninitiated, there groweth a mango tree in the back of my house's backside....... We, thru learned sources, found out that by plucking the fruits in the kaayi stage, and storing them in baskets filled with hullu, the fruits will ripen and we shall be able to enjoy successfully and ably the sweet old mango king of all fruits
All kidding aside, the one person whose facial expression and gleam in the e.(this is wodehouse style....he just cant write "eye" there....he has to write e.) just are inescapable and non-erasable from my head is my good ol bro ! how he would've liked to get his molars and canines into one of these juicy babies, only him and me know (Padma, is THIS right english?!?!?!?)
A toast to you, oh brother, every mango vaate i squish and squeeze from now on shall be in ur name !!
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