Thursday, May 19, 2005

thats where I want to be........the open skies

The desire to shoot harsha is overwhelming!!

Not every day do i get this urge!! I wanna shoot him, or slowly poison him to death. I also thought of electrocution as i was in my bath tub today.(ooooooooooo dark blog!!! fuck you all!!)

Karan will watch clockwork orange in his very simple life.

Paddy will drive home with KRISHNA(of course who ELSE?? grz mayb)

Griz will go home and pretend nothing is happening.

Latha's status is unknown as usual.

Ashwin is absconding from my life( A solitary sms frm him today enquiring abt my project)

Krishna will be smiling all the time.(I havent seen the dark side of him.........starting to believe tho that evrybody need not have that side)
He will go off to IIT.......uh bombay is it?? who cares, some IIT.........

Swetha was very consoling and sweet today......thats all.

I felt something there.......she was tryin to tell me that she is all weird also(like me is what she implied??)

I thought i knew it all
I thought i had it made

How does megadeth come up with such fucking,stunning, lyrics??? I wanna hang harsha at the perfect fit that those guys make.

I feel like vomitting every time i think of saturday.......

Oh i forgot a line.........How could it end this way?

Also, currently at this point of TIME i hate two ppl from the above list.......

Oh and i want to thank Sheetal, Div and gang and sush and gang for somehow delaying the visit to motorola today. Otherwise i would have probably killed harsha today, instead of having just thoughts about it.

I will go now.........One KING awaits me......

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