Advertisements bring out the passionate side in me...
I can broadly classify ads that I see into three categories:
1. Indifferent/bored/would shoot the ad maker just for fun if he/she was in front of me
2. Excited and in awe of concept/production!
3. Seriously cheated/angry
We all know which category we're gunna talk about now...
Case 1: Compla(i)n
A pretty woman with a bunch of other 'moms' flit off to a research institute where a rather disposable (I'd use a shotgun for him...) quack explains the benefits of Complan on the tallness/height of "growing children"...He says that "a kid who drank complan grew taller by 6 cms whereas the kid who didn't grew taller only by 3 cms"
CMS !!!!!
Do I look like dumb.... instance no. 1
Case 2: Idea
Sachin sitting on a stool
Sachin holding a placard on his number
Sachin trying to act, going "fhlae bli da gloobin tchich phfhgtth call keejiye"
Sachin trying to sell us a brand AGAIN...and it probably working AGAIN
I got plenty irritated and called the bloody number...Forgot to add the '0' at the head first, so got scolded by sarcastically-fake-lady on the phone.
Second time added the '0'...
Call gets cut...No "Hi!! Sachin is bizee right now adjusting and re-adjusting his cap on the fields of SA for his team, the Mumbai Indians...Please don't leave a msg and go do your job!" offered or anything!
WHAT an Idea Sirjee.....
P.S : For those who think I called the number to actually talk to Sachin aka a boyhood fantasy or something, please come and meet me in person...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Spot the bug! - Corrected
Oye me hearties!
Your dear friend, who churns out intriguing, comical and just embarrassingly absurd posts has done it again...
Find the bug in the code, written by murali, below...Note that it is a logical bug, and that the code compiles just fine...You can try compiling it once if ya wants...
Oh I've replaced the actual 'get_rtt' function to spare you homo sapiens the gory details...
The 'main' function is used to calculate the Round Trip Time (RTT) for a packet in TCP networks, and see how many times my calculation differs from my previous calculation.
This is all u guys need to know... But thats not the point...the bug is really funny :D
#include stdio.h
#define alpha 0.15
int main()
long i =0,count=0;
double sample, estimate;
long timeout;
estimate = sample = 0.0;
for ( i = 0; i < 1,000,000 ; i++ )
sample = get_rtt();
estimate = sample * (alpha) + estimate * (1-alpha);
if ( sample > estimate ) count++;
timeout = 2 * estimate;
printf("The number of unnecessary re-transmissions is %d\n", count);
Your dear friend, who churns out intriguing, comical and just embarrassingly absurd posts has done it again...
Find the bug in the code, written by murali, below...Note that it is a logical bug, and that the code compiles just fine...You can try compiling it once if ya wants...
Oh I've replaced the actual 'get_rtt' function to spare you homo sapiens the gory details...
The 'main' function is used to calculate the Round Trip Time (RTT) for a packet in TCP networks, and see how many times my calculation differs from my previous calculation.
This is all u guys need to know... But thats not the point...the bug is really funny :D
#include stdio.h
#define alpha 0.15
int main()
long i =0,count=0;
double sample, estimate;
long timeout;
estimate = sample = 0.0;
for ( i = 0; i < 1,000,000 ; i++ )
sample = get_rtt();
estimate = sample * (alpha) + estimate * (1-alpha);
if ( sample > estimate ) count++;
timeout = 2 * estimate;
printf("The number of unnecessary re-transmissions is %d\n", count);
Sunday, April 05, 2009
My Birthday
I mean, who could see this and say "ah, what brilliance and insight of a 25 yr old now-jawaan...A spectacular artistic rendition of a giraffe, a police car and a flower oh so enchanting! Out of this world!!"
Well, the Sun did rise the next morning and i DID turn 25...Woke up earl early and went straight to play cricket! It has become something of a routine, to play cricket on weekends...Challenged software engineers waking up at that hour on a weekend is an achievement alright!
Came back home exhausted and got ma's blessings n wishes n gifts (dad had already wished me earl early :) Then went to God and said hi hello how you doing ok barla?
Then had a yummmmmmmmmmy meal consisting of:
1. Jamooooooooons :D
2. Bisi bele bath
3. Gasgase payasa (Sesame Kheer...beware of the intoxicating properties of this fella!)
No sooner did i gulp two glasses of item no. 3, than i was fast asleep...Woken up by annoying msgs and calls from Girz! He HAD to pick today to take me and drink a juice?! In that drowsy mood, I leave the house with him...He leaves his helmet and a cover in my room <----- NOTE! We go have a chattings and a juice respectively...Come back home, he asks me to get his stuff...And I enter my room to:
and a bunch of ppl yelling "SURPRRIIIIIIIISE!!!"
You can only guess how it went from there onwards...The candle laying, the cake cutting, the birthday bumps et cetera...Whats under wraps was Girz calling ahead, Ktk buying the cake, Srini getting me a gift (a "Dark Knight" DVD!! Woo I am kicked about it babe!), Naren Sac and Ash showing up right on time to be part of the fun, and all of them refusing to hide with Srini in the bathroom
Its an overwhelming feeling, knowing that the ppl u care about are in that room FOR you, with you, wanting to make you feel happy and enjoy themselves in this company... (I can vividly visualize Girz and Naren scolding me for blabbering and sentimentalling so I'll stop, what? :)
Now to the interesting, thought provoking side of the day...Two of my friends told me that I "have everything" and that there's no such thing that I "need or want", and it was hard to find a gift for me...I found that a rather amusing summary of my 25 year old reign as sole ruler of Muraliland...I mean, I have my "needs" (:D) right? Isn't there really anything "realistic"/"material" that I can be gifted, once a year? (without sounding egoistic)
And I sit now at the end of a rather satisfying day, drawing up the account books, cos no birthday (atleast of mine) goes by without some sort of retrospection...What DO I have?
A loving family
A great house in a fantastic locality
A job with not too many tensions (debatable :D)
A great bunch of friends
I guess the claims made by two of my cronies weren't horribly wrong after all...... :)
Listening to : One Small Love, by Thermal and a Quarter
Update at 10.47 PM
Manchester United just came back from the dead, trailing 1-2 to beat Aston Villa 3-2. The reason my fore finger on the left hand is currently slightly swollen is because the winner was scored late into extra time. And I hit whatever I could find in sight, in pure joy and celebration. If there could be a more stupendous and ecstatic way to end the day, please leave a comment.
P.S : Yes, I take my Football seriously.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Innovative Film City
Last Saturday Murali and family went to Innovative Film City.
Even after leaving rather late (around 12 when we left), and reaching there by lunch time, we managed to see quite a bit of this partially complete mimic of Hyderabad's pride...Well, atleast its name sounds similar, but Innovative has quite a few unique things to boast...
The entrance and the gothic statues are pretty similar...A show of grandeur, elaborate and large statues and arches. And once we got past that, we realized that Saturday needn't be the best time to visit this place.
School Children!
They were at that right age where they will make noise just about for anything...And this, after knowing that they shouldnt! They're old enough to know that, but since there aren't any parents here, and the teachers have given up, they run riot!
Anyways, first stop was Louis Tussaud's Wax museum! (Isn't it supposed to be Madame?) Some awesome ones, some u'd wanna get away from, and some trivia! Good beginning and move on amigos...
Ripley's Believe it or not museum...The video below is nice! Go on, I'll wait till you're done...And sorry for making you tilt ur neck to the seems my phone's camera has some weird disease (i read on the web that it is called horizontalasis or somethin like that...)
From the world's smallest things (books on rice, faces on mosquitoes etc etc) to ancient killing devices, to illusions like the one above, u've got it all...Definitely for the inquisitive ones, worth taking ur time on this one!
Lunch was not too eventful...Quite a lot of options when it comes to food, especially Non Veg food...
And post lunch was the highlight! Roller Skates!!!!
There's a rink right there and for a 100 bucks, u can skate (fall, in my case) as much as u want!
There's something about moving by means other than walking!
Happy, tired we went back home! And I headed off to St Joseph's College for Commerce, for my guru and idol Bruce Lee Mani's band Thermal and a Quarter were performing there, as part of the "Shut up and Vote!" Tour (yes! they're touring and everything :) )
Was an awesome Saturday all in all...Couldn't have asked for more!
P.S : Of course they rocked!
Even after leaving rather late (around 12 when we left), and reaching there by lunch time, we managed to see quite a bit of this partially complete mimic of Hyderabad's pride...Well, atleast its name sounds similar, but Innovative has quite a few unique things to boast...
The entrance and the gothic statues are pretty similar...A show of grandeur, elaborate and large statues and arches. And once we got past that, we realized that Saturday needn't be the best time to visit this place.
School Children!
They were at that right age where they will make noise just about for anything...And this, after knowing that they shouldnt! They're old enough to know that, but since there aren't any parents here, and the teachers have given up, they run riot!
Anyways, first stop was Louis Tussaud's Wax museum! (Isn't it supposed to be Madame?) Some awesome ones, some u'd wanna get away from, and some trivia! Good beginning and move on amigos...
Ripley's Believe it or not museum...The video below is nice! Go on, I'll wait till you're done...And sorry for making you tilt ur neck to the seems my phone's camera has some weird disease (i read on the web that it is called horizontalasis or somethin like that...)
From the world's smallest things (books on rice, faces on mosquitoes etc etc) to ancient killing devices, to illusions like the one above, u've got it all...Definitely for the inquisitive ones, worth taking ur time on this one!
Lunch was not too eventful...Quite a lot of options when it comes to food, especially Non Veg food...
And post lunch was the highlight! Roller Skates!!!!
There's a rink right there and for a 100 bucks, u can skate (fall, in my case) as much as u want!
There's something about moving by means other than walking!
Happy, tired we went back home! And I headed off to St Joseph's College for Commerce, for my guru and idol Bruce Lee Mani's band Thermal and a Quarter were performing there, as part of the "Shut up and Vote!" Tour (yes! they're touring and everything :) )
Was an awesome Saturday all in all...Couldn't have asked for more!
P.S : Of course they rocked!
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